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Oh, someone actually hosted password earlier though I wasn't able to join because we were trying to kill rsx/lod for the pick. lol
Thanks, I hope they consider changing it/making it a bit more challenging/fun.
Great, thanks. Gonna make one, vrand. edit: ugh, I can't find a good render of vrand, gonna use "Siren" instead (greek mythology) <disregard that, I just learned something new that sirens aren't mermaids. They're quite the opposite actually, bird like people o_o edit2: k eye'm done, should I post it at this thread, or is there a different thread for entries? Credits to hizuki24 for the render. changed the original one, didn't notice that there was something wrong with how I rendered it, I use ps' magic eraser tool to render stuff because I am lazy :| theme: Mythology-Mermaid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaid render used: http://hizuki24.deviantart.com/art/Siren-135413519 IGN: Halcyon / Cirno 9 forum: Halcyon_
Well basically, since pvp events=winners/participants are most probably people that already have end game equips, leaving new players with no chance to win at all, making the gap between new players and old players larger. How about adding some more nonpvp events? Events such as, Crack the pub - a GM makes a pub with a pass, the title of the pub is the clue. Run for your life - a GM summons a mob which can 1 hit anything or uses hallucination walk on a character with like 5k on all stats to 1 hit everything on a small map (2 boxes of the dice event map could work, skills are off(hiding/cloak/stalker skill>gangster paradise[gangster scarf])SKILLS ARE OFF (so that there will be no AoE attacks, only single target). -uh, this one sounds like the dice event, but is a lot more fun. (I got the idea of the 2 events above from another server) And also, might wanna consider making the clues for HnS a bit harder? Clues like "city of steel", "the hermit land" and "the wootan tribe's village" is just like saying "find me in einbroch/gonryun/umbala" (alt-tab, google "city of steel ragnarok" http://www.google.com.ph/#hl=en&source...;fp=1&cad=b then hola~ you got the map.) Clues like "broken terracotta statues in a dungeon", sounds good. The map is lou_dun02 where there are many broken terracotta statues, just to make things a bit interesting and stuff, just describe the terrain of the map where you are hiding, not that hard really. Or an HnS with crack the pub. (gm hides with a with a password pub, players must find him and get in the pub) also..Hide INSIDE BUILDING! (out of all the HnS I've witnessed, there was only 1 time where the GM decided to hide inside a building, though he gave us a clue about where that building is) HnS doesn't even last for 5 mins, there are even times where it doesn't reach 30 seconds, and that isn't fun at all :|
Ragnarok-based on Norse mythology, does this mean that we can also make ragnarok sigs?
How much for the sniper bow?
Thanks again shadi, at least that makes lod worth to hunt now(they removed it on my previous server).
One last thing! Does rsx, sinx and lod still drop picks?
Oh great thanks a lot, also the link really helped, MissMezri. I'm kinda starting to get the flow here, seems like using acid on mvps(with high vit) still is a great idea :D woooooo, 70kb/s, 50% til I finish downloading and people I know are already playing so fuck them and their net speed(YES YOU! YOU!, you know who you guys are, if you don't help me aoe grind later I'm gonna emorage =/) . Got lots of quests to do after I finish dling :D Again, thanks a lot Cassiopeia, Wish and MissMezri. edit: one last question, 200dex for nocast?
yay!, wasn't expecting someone to reply immediately. And yes berries, which map has the most spawn of the mob who drops it(clock tower high orcs 2x berry drop?)? And what are those coupons for, how do they work? Bloody branches, what do I have to do to be able to claim them from the said "Event Reward NPC"? (don't really know anything, still downloading the full client atm) @warp, can I still use @warp to go to nameless island(they didn't allow it back then on my previous pserver because everyone wants to hunt FBH for it's card)? Does GMs here do events everyday?(events such as run for your life, hide and seek, team pvp, crack the pub etc etc) Thanks :D edit: Can you give me an idea of what a sniper usually wears in this server(I have no idea because there are custom items)? edit2: Forsaken Elite quest, 200 stats to all? or just to a certain stat? edit3: Did they increase the MVP mobs stats? (Can I hunt it solo with a creator with average equips?)
Oh sup, I'm Halcyon and that is all. Anyway on to the thing that I really wanted to do, ask questions. Well first off I once played at a pserver without custom items BUT we can buy stats to cap it AND we can buy GOD ITEMS(sleipnir, aesprika, megs, lkh, etc etc) So I'd have to ask some few advices about being a sniper in this server. (uh, gonna tell you my set when I was still at that certain server) upper head1>bapho horns upper head2>poo poo hat upper head3>lunatic hat(only 3 people had it that time, was an event hat, but they now added an NPC quest for it) mid head>sunglasses[1]-mayapp lower head>g. pipe (and in most cases) mid+lower head>hockey mask armor1>V armor[1] GR card armor2>V armor[1] tao card manteau1>V man2[1] dev card manteau2>aesprika shoes>sleipnir (since FBH only affects matk, and COSTS SO MUCH) weapon1>compo bow[4]>quad TG (quad TG stacks at that server, so I went with this one, hits harder than 2 tg 2 thana and they nerfed thana card soooooooooooooo much that it just adds 20% or 30% damage to demihumans) weapon2>compo bow[4]>1 inca 3 TG weapon3>compo bow[4]2LoD 1 WS 1 status accessory>2 nimble bow thimbles Now to the questions... Q1-Is there a stat seller npc here? Q2-Can we acquire god items through quests? Q3-Donated items=tradeable? Q4-Seeing that the server rate is 6k/6k/100, do I expect to get a card every time I kill a mob? Q5-Since the GR card is a donation item, can I still get it through OCAs? Q6-Speaking about Old Card Albums, do wanderers still drop them at 100% rate? Q6-Do people here even use ice picks?(gonna have to ask this because of the thana card, the only way to deal damage based on the enemy's defense on my previous server was through the use of ice pick, and it costs tons) Q7-What benefits will you get if you become a forsaken elite? Q8-Do you guys have endless tower? Q9-Does chimeras(and some other mobs) drop bloody branches? Q10-Job change, is there an NPC for it to automatically change our jobs, or is there a custom NPC/quest, or just like the retail one? Q11-What is inside the forsaken dungeon? Q12-Warp npc, what maps aren't included? Q13-Whats the best way to earn zeny is this server(used to farm at dokebis for gold-100k ea)? Q14-Which matters most, +<stat> item, or +% items? Q15-Does squishy like nobody nobody but you? (nah, squishy don't post in my thread you fag, if you post and say that I'm a noob I will rolfstomp you. HAH! as if I could. >_>) kthx
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