1-We're on a High Rate Server why wont increase our hp/sp formula a bit more o.o?
2-Enable @jump
3-At Weapon Shop at Forsaken City that place is (REALLY) full of npc why wont put them all in just 2 npc? example: you talk with one he tells us what kind of weapons we want...book,staffs,daggers,etcs...same goes for armors it asks you what kind of armor you want, example: Shields,Armors,Garments,Accessorys...
4-The Suggestion nr3 goes for the custum quest headgear there soo many at the same place they chould be around the Main City or maybe around all over RO ?
5-More Custum Quests would be nice ;D !
6-Allow to autoloot only 2,3,4,5 itens per time example... @alootid 6743 2, @alootid 8474 3 and so on , and put like a limit of 4-5 O_o?
i think that's all for now, hope you understand my point :wink: