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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Trevor

    Ro Players

  2. Trevor


    thread = drama Don't feed the troll please :(
  3. Trevor

    Ro Players

    You guys are beyond weird. I hate one thing about this server and its the fact that when you ask a general question to a group of people they never answer you but they go on to chat amongst themselves. If i had a machine gun i would make swiss cheese out of them.
  4. Trevor

    I Draw Stuff.

    Wow really nice art work..ive seen it some where before i know it..i recognize that style. In any case i am too poor right now to commission anything but it looks good in the future.
  5. The speech in this thread confuses me too no end. But the graphics are funny XD specially the one with the dead priest and the words above it. That would be fun to see like different classes with different dead speech...like Ohh i got owned! or something like that..heh.
  6. Ohh yes i was thinking somewhere along the lines that maybe wings could be made into the coat looking cape thing. ANY ways umm yeah i will send out a picture of the hat couse i really would like to see a sprite be made. Just to see how it will look. Thanks in advance :)
  7. Trevor


    I really hope the new chapters are posted up today at latest at night i am really psyched on reading what happens! i hate when they take a week off.
  8. Actually some of the KH games were made for the gameboy advance and the DS and were only remade for the ps2 to get more sales etc. Its just another way to get one to purchase a psp or a psp go.
  9. vote for me and ill give you cupcakes!
  10. Really nice npcs :P I wonder if you would be able to make captain coats like from one piece? or ace's hat? ohh those would be awesome. Any ways jsut me rambling nice work and i hope to see many more awesome sprites.
  11. My all time favorite is Cowboy Bebop Then current ones are One Piece and Naruto.
  12. Trevor


    No it probably is something itachi implanted into sasukes sharingan to pop up when certain conditions are met. For instance how madaras sharingan activates sasukes black fire technique. So in a way itachi was way much more than what any one expected him to be. To calculate things as he did. Now its probably a message or some secret jutsu to battle against Danzo. Btw that danzo guy is so freaking weird. I am guessing his arm casts a genjutsu so powerful it affects every one caught in the gaze of the eyes.
  13. I played it in best buy and it was really cool. I wanted to get it but yeah its a bit too expensive.
  14. Trevor


    Ahh thanks for the warm welcomes. Sure friends? heh sounds nice never seen people be so opened to it. Thanks Ohh its @go 25? i had a hard time trying to figure out which city it was couse when i walked out it sent me to the outside of prontera. I was like what was that city again? any how i will be sure to be more frequent in the forum and use all the resources to make my stay here a nice one.
  15. lets try all to be civil and leave our problems out of this thread. It only hurts the cause.
  16. Trevor


    Hello i am new to this server. I had tried a couple before this one all with different rates etc. One thing that bothered me is that most servers don't post up their rates or features any where visible. Its kinda annoying because i had to play for a while or search really hard to see what it had. Any ways i stumbled upon this server while looking at the top 200 private servers and it had a nice little banner with its rates in it! and i was like ohh now thats neat. So i had my doubts at first because the whole "sakray" not working any more and wondering if Renewal would work with this server. So far ive played it and its been nice and sorta a bit hard getting used to leveling and all. I still haven't talked to any people but it seems to be a nice server. One thing that bothers me though is that there is a lot of jazz and sparks and stuff in the main website but one thing that disappointed me was the fact that ventrilo wasn't as full as i would expect it to be and IRC was dead as well. I am sure that will change eventually. I just think some things could be updated info wise to be a bit more noob friendly. Any ways my fingers are a bit frozen right now XD so um nice to meet you all hope to see you in game soon. My char is a sniper named Julius, i will be making a paladin, wiz and white smith as soon as i get the hang of the server.
  17. I doubt the new guy will get it (me) but its still nice to try. Good luck people
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