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About SmarTie

  • Birthday 09/04/1995

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  • Location
    Richmond, BC Canada
  • Interests
    Listen to music.<br />Play games.<br />Read GOOD books.<br />Mountain biking.<br />Computer animation or photoshop. <3

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. O_O really? So it will look like this when it's in game? Not like the circle with 3 spikes ( Old ROP)
  2. SmarTie

    Love Poem

    Nice poem. =) Nice nice
  3. Haha, Thank youuu. =) Hopefully Genesis takes them, then they will be in game. They are like normal RoPs just that old ones are broken.
  4. Thank you. Btw, the auras are ROP inside the server, It's just that they are broken, so we are making new ones to replace them. lol
  5. Cool, make a brown one so it matches my brown F helm /gg
  6. sighh cannot make it more clear
  7. okai imma going to re upload them hopefully the quality is better
  8. Thank you for commenting and sorry about the quality of the pictures. I tried my best to upload the Bitmap files, but it has failed, so it ended up with JPG here.
  9. SmarTie


    I miss parody
  10. yes, top left hand corner in Fcity
  11. dog sniper hat
  12. Depends on what u are using them for, F dags breaking, or pvp, K tar for sonic boom
  13. I vote for # 6. I think the wings are well done ( the shape and stuff ). Also the color of Emily really goes well with the wings, and how Emy vivified the words and things are just amazing. This is my own opinion, so maybe other people have different ones.
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