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Everything posted by Combat

  1. Combat


    Hello Joey! Want some candy? If so get in my van ;)
  2. ahhhhh you hab baby

  3. Combat

    Asian Woe

  4. Combat

    Asian Woe

    Well Australian and Asian Time Zone set for woe won't be any different. And African with European woe ya? They're like in the same time zone right?
  5. Combat

    Asian Woe

    Why don't we make that other Euro day into another Asian day.
  6. ...
  7. Combat

    Asian Woe

    I agreed. There should be an Asian woe.
  8. Combat


    + I love you ;]
  9. Combat


    Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online; The Forbidden Reality. Good luck and Enjoy your stay here with us. Please don't forget to vote for us every 12 hours. If you want the server to grow, you can write a review about us in Ratemyserver.com. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message and I'll get right back at you. ;) Love; Echizen
  10. This system again please.
  11. Combat

    Hi Guys

    Well yeah; welcome back too. I came back sunday ;]
  12. Combat

    Hi Guys

    Welcome back!
  13. Leave Offer here T> for purple +??? coupons
  14. Its cool If you disliked the css you can change back the old Forsaken RO forums
  15. Barney ; I love you
  16. Combat


    Good luck recruiting man :)
  17. Combat

    Hi Guys!

    Where do you live? Chicago?
  18. Combat

    Hi Guys!

    nm yourself? hi :) What's up? Yes! We've did ;D
  19. Happy Birthday Ming
  20. I'll trade you Angeling Rucksack+White Mythical Aurora for Darkring Rucksack
  21. Congrats Sephirious
  22. Combat

    Hi Guys!

    Hi adam
  23. Combat

    Hi Guys!

    Okay ;] sup
  24. Combat

    Hi Guys!

    Hi. I'm Danny
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