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About sevensouls

sevensouls's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu-4dPKxex0 anyone know the anime ?
  2. pc> on the ores/enriched/gcs?
  3. lol gotta have breakfast.. maybe lunch :P TPBM has a exam to study for... buy chooses to procrastinate XD
  4. sevensouls

    This or that

    who? LOL Itachi or Sasuke?
  5. hihi :D i ish kinda new here too ( LOL well im so bored mining so im just waiting for the vendors so i can buy ores xD) whats so special about for_dun anyways *-) hopefully it isnt a let down :O i can be your friend too :D
  6. LOL damn someones passionate about rock paper scissors :P
  7. [GM]IntelDualCore2DuoProcessor LOL jks probably something like [GM] Despair but that sounds a bit emo ( so long mr. despair?:P) [GM] MortalKombat [GM] Phantom :O:O lol iuno
  8. LOL damn thats funny XD hmm.. one off the top of my head..? ___________________< not that creative :$ :P
  9. sevensouls


    I think naruto is so awesome :D lol i finished watching the first series ( first 220 episodes XD) and the 2 movies tonight im gonna watch the 3rd movie and start watching SHIP after exams :D
  10. um... romance? iuno if this really counts... XD Special A this ugly yet beautiful world ( lol only like 12ish episodes :P) haruhi suzumiya (the first season XD) BAKEMONOGATARI :D:D:D i dont know if you would find these funny.. :P um... not sure but asura cryin? ;o elfen lied is somewhat of a romance chaos;head ( <if your bored and have nothing else to watch XD) lol ive seen rosairo vamp xD the situation that dude is in is pretty funny :P lol :P
  11. lol sounds awesome it would be intensely fun if this server also had CTF i was also wondering if the server would have more frequent raids :D
  12. sounds like a good idea :D its hard to get tickets but i guess that separates the noobs from the non noobs xD ( btw i file under noob if this is the case XD)
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