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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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About Rune

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  1. -pokes stomach- ^_^

  2. Rune

    Pvp Rooms

    This was implemented on GvG merely for the sake of turning the event easier to manage for the Gm in charge. At the same time, it took out an important tactic many players/guilds used; spying. On GvG, a dead member of a guild could previously, tell his/her guildies of possible threaths or runaways for them to avoid/chaze, should these pass on their screens. On the PvP room there's no need for it since its always open. And taking out the possibility of a normal player for spying on the arena will only encourage cheating. Furthermore, a dead character inside the PvP arena will not disturb the people in there in any way. I don't see a single plus on the suggestion.
  3. Rune


    Drake card is used for the second part of the creator elite quest. It could have some potential though ; It makes all weapons disregard size damage modifications and deal 100% damage regardless of the target's size. Most weapons already deal 100% to the medium sized monsters so it has little uses for some classes, however, anyone using daggers, two handed swords, one/two handed spears, one/two handed axes and knuckles/claws could benefit from it since these weapons deal 75% damage to the medium sized monsters. Theorically...
  4. Rune

    Attention Gms

    Ê laiá Aye Sir.
  5. Acknowledged & successfully performed.
  6. Firstly, i got some screen shots exemplifying the event of Scavenger hunt, i tried to make them as clean and as revelevaant to portray the eevent as possible. Here they are; Then i got some from Hide & Seek, once again trying to exemplify the event as best as possible while keeping it as 'clean' as possible; i'd be really glad if any of them is useful ^^ i'll try to see if i can take more on different events & situations.
  7. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. ^^
  8. Rune

    Frigg Shield?

    Like I said said...theorically...never had one to test it out myself xD Personally, I think that's broken then, and should be changed assap.
  9. Rune

    Frigg Shield?

    I do believe the Frigg shield has a donation and a non-donation(Forsaken and Elite) version doesn't it? Its a quest item, but for the Forsaken Frigg Shield, that is stronger, you need to invest two donation Forsaken Shields in its confection. So theorically the regular Frigg Shield shouldn't be allowed in Non-Donation settings...
  10. Acknowledged.
  11. Rune


    I like the suggestion a lot. The device seems to have great features and advantages.
  12. Did they make their very own copy of Seraphine too I wonder...
  13. Rune


    Fair enough.
  14. Good luck people! Remember; this isn't about having a cool almighty character, its about responsibility, caring, commitment, will power and much more. Also, its far harder than it may look. Think you're up for the task? Looking foward on working with you ^^ Be honest on the application; you're expected to fullfill each of the capabilities you're supposed to have.
  15. i agree to the reason for this decision, and i'm glad this is how it'll be from now.
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