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About lvizcarra

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Novice (1/10)



  1. lvizcarra

    New Events

    we just gotta have a more dependable GMs about it, or perhaps a more noticeable nerfs for GMs like less damage and so on. we can see the damage, i dont think that a lvl 1 sg, would have same amount of damage done by a lvl 5-10 sg edit im not saying that they will cheat, we just simply need to have a believable proof. like showing the damage and stuffs
  2. i wabshu so much
  3. lvizcarra

    New Events

    lvl 255 / 10 novice LTS would be good as well, the entire party would win, just like LTS and just host several events to make it fun, also to have other party join as well yeah, nerfing some GM skills would be good, perhaps only lvl 1 skills can be used by GMs sorry bout posting on wrong place, i have so much tabs opened didnt know which one i clicked on
  4. @storeall @storeall2 @storeall = puts all items to storage @storeall2 = puts all items to storage/ except for the one you are equipped with this would make it easier when try to lvl up and gathering lots at the same time and another command to get all items from your storage healer npc since heal npc will always give a full heal and not ask for a particular amount you wanna be healed, cant we make all healer a one click heal in @go 25, the healer npc is a one click heal. can we do the same thing on other cities?? other cities will be asking if you want to be healed or not, cant we make it easier as well. repair npc since it will always repair all broken equips. and not for a particular one only can we have it a one click repair as well, instead of talking to it to repair your equips, we can make it a one click repair this will lessen the time were out of pvp
  5. lvizcarra

    New Events

    novice dodge ball was fun. how bout having novice LMS ans novice LTS all lvl 1/1, and no skills, just plain old attacks, may the best equipped novice win. another event i want to have. "Battle with a GM" we can have it like the endless tower thingy, a party goes in, the place locks until the entire party dies we can have an NPC accepting a single party at a time to do battle with a GM
  6. Dragon Rider [1] (Dragon Aurora) The Aurora of a mysterious Dragon that wraps around its owner. (not in desc) All stats + 5. Equipped on: Middle Defense Rate: 2 Weight: 10 Required Level: 100 500 Skull 800 Orcish Voucher 1 Smoking Pipe 3 Fang of Garm 1 Sphinx Hat 500 Yoyo Tail 2 Osiris Doll 75000000 zeny i have all the items required, zeny and all its been a month and still the NPC is broken. can we have it fixed please???????? or any gm trade me the headgear and ill give you the items required for it
  7. lvizcarra

    Nokia N900

    i work for a network provider in USA. just make sure to have those manuals with you, its kinda hard teaching people how to read text messages, why the F get a phone. and dont be such a low life asking for credits. you have to pay for credits. (im not generalizing, we do have hundreds f people calling in just to beg for credits.)
  8. lvizcarra

    Quest Items

    most quest items will be needing 200 sweet milk, specially non donor belts sweet milks are not being sold by any npc no quest to get sweet milks, by trading other items for them and only savage bebe drops them 2@tower(10 savage bebe) - The Endless Tower prt_fild09(70 savage bebe) - Prontera Field prt_fild10(40 savage bebe) - Prontera Field according to ratemyserver.net i am on prt_fild09 for quite some time already, it appears to be that im alone, yet one round running the perimeter of the map i would some times only encounter like 15-20 savage bebes, teleporting wouldn't help either my suggestion is to make the quest items be even either less items required or more savage bebes to kill or have an npc which will sell sweet milk or trade sweet milk for other items
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