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Everything posted by Phenix

  1. Omg stupid 3rd librarian needs to quit hiding

  2. I agree completely i was disappionted when i finished the quest and got that helm.I was expecting something new and cool(seeing as everything new that comes out here is custom).I like the silver valk idea or maybe a red valk with gold feathers.
  3. Whats you computer specs?
  4. i understand a challenge but how am i suppose to find what drops it? @mi all 650+ monsters?
  5. I thought frigg quest was rage inducing but this knight quest past 2 days of constant rage now i cant find who drops the damn books on legendary weapons, Ive rage quitted 5 times tonight because of that damn thing.Some hints in the quest npcs would be very nice. :blink:
  6. Ugh where is this book on legendary weapons :'(

    1. Crem


      what do you need this for?

    2. Phenix
  7. This knight quest....Whats the answer to the three things knights should stand for..Ive tried good light and life and even type everything he said its making me rage

    1. Phenix


      Yay got the second one worded right....Now the third one is being a pain.

    2. Veralynn


      Truth and Justice

    3. Veracity


      Guys, please refrain from giving answers for the quest.

  8. Nice patch.Was hoping voting be fixed:(
  9. Phenix


    Alright ~list updated
  10. Phenix


    you being serious?
  11. lol quick scoping is ez mode.Only way im even good at mw2 or blackops.get an automatic and my score is super shit.Just gotta watch when you pull your scope up it shows the 4 line reticle just adjust your aim by that and by the time the scope opens you can shoot.And turn that aim assist bs off so hard to quick scope with that shit.And about the 360 shots im with supream that shit is impossible ive done it once and it was pure luck they run in front of me as i pulled the scope up.I miss mw2 stupid red ring of death.
  12. 1544
  13. Phenix

    Woe Drops

    Ive wonder that too but if you get a castle it doesnt garentee you will get an emp you have to hold the castle for awhile without anyone breaking it and its economy goes up and you get more chest.Only thing i can figure is whichever castle drop the blue(i cant remember which)is harder to hold.
  14. Phenix


    Selling List [Equips] ● Amistr Hat ● Day aurora [Cards] ● Amon Ra ● 2x Hallowring ● Moonlight Flower ● Maya Purple ● Osiris ● Whitesmith [Tickets] ● Edp ● Bos Buying List ● Blue Mini Transparent Wings Leave offers here or pm me ingame(Ign:Izaya)
  15. Phenix

    A Duel Room

    Obv someone that gangs everyone.
  16. Phenix

    A Duel Room

    Well My idea wouldnt be a server wide script it would be localized to one certain map so you would only have to use the function that shows all character names on that certain map.Say Im in that map and I wanna duel player a but he is in for_fild It wouldnt be possible because hes not on that map but if i wanna duel player b and he is on that map his name would show in the npc and id be able to send the duel request from the npc.Its sound difficult but its really not althought your idea of everyones name from in said map is much better then typing their name.And if you put everyones name from the whole server imagine the pages you would have to go threw to find that person.But I see what your saying about everyones names.Maybe have people listed on that map then maybe an input option so you can challenge people outside of that map then the npc will warp them onto the map to start the duel.
  17. Phenix

    A Duel Room

    Ok so as the title says A duel room.Where pvp is off but you can talk to an npc input the player you wanna duel(they must be in the same room)Once you type the persons name the npc whispers the opposer and asks them if they wanna accept said duel or reject they whisper either accept or reject and then they are entered into a duel.But This room is on a seperate pvp ladder because everytime i go to the pvp room its one guild guild with a pally running around devoing like 3 other guild members and them raping everything then talking shit like they are good.Anyone can gang 3v1 and win but true skill is shown 1v1.I think it should have similar prize to what the normal pvp ladder has, maybe less tokens for each place or more I dont really know but this would make the pvp ladder more challenging and more exciting.With some skills off like devo for example so the duels cant be cheated and the normal @duel command be shut off on this map and you can only duel the same person once every 10min to keep players from just dueling an alt a million times and getting to the top of the ladder.I know its not a perfect idea but its an idea and its quite simple to make the npc and everything like 10min worth of work.Feedback would be nice.Thanks
  18. so you have made every balenced in pvp.but soul linkerrs are so underpowered a part of me died when i bought that weapon and tried it maybe you can boost its stavecrusher damage or something idk.but as is they still suck.
  19. i think red envelope would be nice in the event prizes.But with a chance to get more zeny than it already gives.
  20. Phenix

    Quest Ruckie

    i agree more event items cuz ive been changing my event qpons in for dqpons cuz only thing in the event items i like is the sun&moon aura and there are so many of those in the server it cheaper to buy them with dqpons.So im 100% behind u more event items!!! Also anyone seen the sword of lore?its the thanatos sword i love that thing would be great items.and make it like the belt one for dex one for int and so on.<<<<<great donate or pvp prize even if it not a quest or event item.
  21. Phenix


    lol aint got that many qpons wish i did though /gg
  22. i agree with the login bc about it but thats not gonna stop ppl from ksing.Ill be honest ive been ksed so much i got tired of not ksing others so i am guilty of ksing ppls mobs now and again but i mean cant beat them join them.As for the anti KS script it only works on mobs ur atking unless sumone find a way to make it work on mabs that are targeting u.But it dont matter how much bitching or reporting happens there will always be ppl that dont care and ks just to get a rise out of ppl.Mostof the time the kser or probly like 13-14 year old that just wanna piss ppl of cause they think its funny.So i mean gotta get used to it cause it will never go away. P.S not all 13-14 year old are like that but most the ones ive meet think they are God gift to RO and find it funny to push your buttons.So pls understand im not talking about everyone but the ones im talking about know who they are.
  23. Phenix

    Quest Ruckie

    lol thats true but id like to find the person thats got 8 of them.I want a thanatos card bad but fck paying 1k-2k qpons for it thats bs id rather use an icepick.
  24. lol its funny u said raindeer ruckie cuz i was think like a week ago a raindeer ruckie would be kick ass :laughingsmiley:
  25. Phenix


    Gears LK 2Handed Sword LK 2Handed Spear Hats PhreeHat Medusa Blue Kaho Horns Cards GTB Mistress 2xHollowring Bout Sold out of everything But will add more soon. Buying Most anything as long as its cheap. Leave offers and gamenames and ill pm you.
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