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About riceballs

  • Birthday 08/24/1988

Contact Methods

  • AIM
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    starr, sc
  • Interests
    Iz likes to eats rice balls :P<br />Iz also likes to sit and be lazy :P<br />Iz like to play forsakenRO ^_^<br />Iz likes to go shopping......A LOT!!!! XD<br />Iz likes ze interweb XD

Previous Fields

  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
  • Guild
    none :P

riceballs's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. how am i suppose to add the picture onto the emblem folder? :/ just drag it in there? :/ i did that and it isnt working D: please help >.<
  2. I currently have this server ForsakenRO on my computer. Now i wanna get another server and i know you have to put it under the same folder you had the first time [being the forsakenRO folder] How do i go about adding another folder? :/ ive tried this before on my old laptop but it always ended up screwing things up with both servers :/ please help!!!
  3. the item that is needed to make a guild? :3 anyone?!? please list it for me and tell me where i can get it :3
  4. I was wondering if you can get the chi ears in this server?!? I use to play SurgeRO and they discontinued them :/ so im wondering if you can get them on this server by doing the quest.
  5. thank you :D
  6. okay so im new. anywhere where i can keel monstas that wont kill me?!? or have pvp's end up destroying me in like 1 hit. I just need some @warps for places to train ^_^
  7. where is the job trainer? D: i need to know where in the main town he/she is. :/
  8. Erm i just started playing this server about 30 minutes ago and im completly lost. idk where the job trainer is at. and i dont know what the @ location is for the main town. If anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated. ^_^ :jerry:
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