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About Penis

  • Birthday 07/22/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bay Area, California

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  • Real Name
    Ryan Warseig

Penis's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. I see the excuse of having to code too much stuff being used too much. If you want something to be better than competition then you have to put the extra effort into it. Oh and changing a few words here and there or adding some more is not termed 'coding'. Even a kid can do this job.
  2. One more thing we could have is: if the upgrades on all items are higher than a fixed threshold (+7 maybe), it would cause the char sprite to get an aura (an aura like the lvl 99 aura from iRO). Regarding the priority of this upgrade, i can't really make a point because i don't know what other upgrades are in the queue.. but doing this one would certainly help make current players want to come back to the game and work hard at their inventories and at the same time add to the feature list of the server - thus raising its charm over other private servers.
  3. is there any credible person here who's gonna decide on this suggestion or what?
  4. I know but I'm talking about having something more. Not being able to upgrade an item in a RPG game is just not right. A player should be able to say "HEY MAN LOOK AT MY +10 ITANZ I ROX KIZZ MY AZZ" to everyone around him. I'm not saying these bonuses should be something totally radical (like +100% more HP).. we can always balance those things out. The core idea of being able to upgrade your stuff is what I'm trying to point to.
  5. Hi everyone! This is Penis! (No offense meant there, it's just my name). I used to play legit servers years ago and we always used to have Eluniums as the most important items that held the market together. They signify a very important part of the RPG element of the game, viz., the ability to Upgrade armor. This was however, shot to death after things like Ice Pick and Thanatos came out. So, I suggest we bring in a new substitute to Eluniums: [insert a cool name here]. These would work in a way similar to Upgrading using Eluniums but would offer different kinds of bonuses when used. It does not have to be a DEF upgrade (which everyone hates), but something like this: Armors: HP Bonus Helms: SP Bonus Mid and Low Headgear: Movement Speed Bonus Shields: Damage Reduction Shoes: Attack Speed Bonus (or maybe something else) We can always change the above items to make things balanced. I leave that open for the community to decide. If this does take off, it would help the economy a lot by adding an item that is very well sought after. I hope you guys like this idea :-) - Penis (PS: This name was not my idea.)
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