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About Minxies

  • Birthday 02/26/1989

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    Minxies, Pasch-Chime

Minxies's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. So I haven't been too active recently. I have a few WIP's in my computer and sketchbook I should continue; but college has been KILLING me. D: And only recently did I get a tablet; so I don't have a lot of really bright stuff in my gallery yet. So yeah. I'll update more pics when I have the chance. There's a few shown below. If you would like to see more; please feel free to visit my DevArt. Minxies.Deviantart.com << I have to say this- I highly doubt any of you would take my work. But I've seen other people do it from other sites, including DevArt. So here we go. D: My artwork was made by me.- Nichola Manson (a.k.a "Minxies") Please do not use, trace, redistribute, sell, copy, or alter my work in any way, shape or form. Thank you.>>> My character, Jennai. The Fire Gypsy. My friend's Character Oliver with my character; Tri. LOL! My "Persona" dressed up as a ghostbuster. And finally; my angry persona, setting off an attack. I'll stop here now. ^_^.
  2. Oh nice. lol. I'll be peeking at quite a few people's Devarts. heeheeeee. Here is mine too. ^_^ Minxies.Deviantart.com
  3. *giggles*
  4. Lol, I managed to fix the issue; yay! so I've been in game for a few hours now. I just might take a few of you up on the help. XD I'm a bit confuddled on a few things. XD My character name is the same on the forum- Minxies.
  5. Oh. Well, thank you everyone! ^__^ I appreciate the welcome. (I like to find little games I can join with a good community in it as well) So this looks really promising. As you might of seen in the technical issues page; I've been having a few patch problems lol. But I hope to get in game soon and play with all of you. =D
  6. So hi there F-RO. (I think I have the abbreviation right yes?) My name is Minxies, uh. Just joined up with the site, and I'm still waiting for the download to complete, sadly. I'll have to let it finish overnight because I'ma need sleep soon. --just started college classes today, and I have more tomorrow. Uh...yeah, so I figured I'd drop in and say "hi" to everyone really quick. ^^ I'll be replying to stuff tomorrow so uh.. Nighty night ^^
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