G.I. Joe was a great movie as far as the ACTION aspect. I grew up in the era, seeing that I am an 80's baby, and I owned just about EVERY single REAL G.I. Joe, not those fake ass one's where the thumb breaks easily, there is to own. (Including Bases, vehicles... etc.... I even own the original Cobra Base) The acting was so damn terrible, I could have played Duke with my eyes closed and not reading a script. The battles between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow were legendary, BUT... There was no way in hell Storm Shadow would die that easily in the real cartoon/ story-line. Because Snake-Eyes wouldn't be complete without him. The whole Destro and Cobra Commander plot was so ridiculous that I had to delete that part of the movie out of my cerebral cortex. Aside for jam-packing 300 hours worth of plot into a 1 & a half hour movie, they just needed to improve the acting and get into depth WITH THE REAL STORY LINE. With that said, the movie had potential. It kept you on your toes the whole time, and the 3D effects are no where near to none in the industry... Star Wars eat your heart out, and Harry Potter, step over to the left, you guys better upgrade your CGI.
Final Rating of G.I. Joe: 82.5/100