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About Chezuu

  • Birthday 11/30/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    London, UK

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  • Guild
    I <3 Air

Chezuu's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Chezzzz happy birthday!! <3


    I be backs :3

  3. When I was younger I found a crow with a broken wing in the graveyard and took it home. He was perfectly healthy, albeit unable to fly, and sadly I couldn't keep him and nurse him back to health because we have dogs and he'd get eaten/played with. So, we called our local vets, they looked him over, then said that unless they could find a shelter, they'd put him down. We left him at the vets and I have a horrible feeling they killed a perfectly healthy crow >:c It makes me sad thinking about it. Also my dogs eat baby squirrels. We don't encourage them they just ... do. :/ Anything that moves is delicious and tasty to them.
  4. Moar ttly hot pix of myself. Well, actually, I'm helping a friend out here. He made a pretty dress so I modelled it :3 I so nice, rite? Incidently it was freezing cold :c NB: I dunno where the dress is now. He could have eaten it for all I know ;c
  5. *makes a salad* D:<

  6. non nt a chnc, srs naow. k?

  7. Y u look at muh page, gurl??/

  8. Becauz... I am lazy? >:D

  9. why aren't i on da thingyz u '<3' :(

  10. But booze (I ttly nearly wrote boobs) isn't cuddly and snuggly. You get the snuggles from blankets! D:

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