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W.T Snacks

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Everything posted by W.T Snacks

  1. Personally, Tiago.
  2. W.T Snacks

    Baggy pants

    OP is a faggot
  3. /facepalm

  5. Also like to add something to some of the applicants. If your just joining to get to ban people, etc, thinking you can abuse and not get in trouble. Don't bother to apply.
  6. son i am disappoint.

  7. New rule. 1. If you like the song birthday sex, perma kicked and ddos.
  8. W.T SNACKS!
  9. o and ya /b/ is pure shit. i did i loved bawksy I LOVE YOUUUU BBBBBBAIIIII ADDY <333333333
  10. A few minutes in paint.
  11. ADMIRAL AWESOME UR IN <333333333333
  12. ZOMG THE BAWSKY FAN CLUB?"??????/?? you herd rite. Me & Tiago are recuriting bawsky lovers to join the boxxy fan club. Rules. 1. You must worship the queen (boxxy). 2. be uber l33t h4x at pvp 3. And always use boxxy terms i.e BOXXY + POCKY = <3!!!!!!!!!!!! 4. No faggotry or cancer spread is allowed kthx. PM WT Snacks or Self-Esteem. on fRO for an invite. ;D
  13. What is this I dont even

  14. Good luck everyone.
  15. Aff, bump.
  16. i know isnt it sexy?

  17. fail troll is fail.

  18. God damn camwhores. Well, I started skateboarding again. Luckily landed it. Again, I don't take pics of my face.
  19. Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
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