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Forsaken Elder
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About jorgesilvera

  • Birthday 10/15/1994

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  • Ingame Character Names
    Jorge, cpt jorge

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jorgesilvera's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. Q_Q or Rawwwwww! what mod..............
  2. 2² × 3² × 5² Novecientos 900 <----
  3. Life is abaut fightining for what you want till the end Do you think that in germany is horryble? In my country the minimun salady is 400$ and there is nobusynes offer eny where. u.U I am studing law at my military accademy but Imagine that i would cominted siucide for tha woman or for mony problem there is always a tomorrow even in the most inaviated and forgoten part of the wor, there is always a tomorrow try to fight do to be like "Well... see you next life..." Yeah there can be down and ups on the road but that is all abaut.
  4. 844<---Underline.
  5. Hurto more for a person pretend to be fine when is not fine. ¬¬.
  6. Life suck and that is... No matter how much you effort to do something or love someone. it will always be forgotten or ignored by the time or someone...
  7. :biggrin: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: Realy the old one was with too many accesory.
  8. And God with all of his pawer came to the earth And from all the people there call kouch and say: "GFTO Kouch!, stop dying! you are giving me accaunting errors!"
  9. What the... ROLF, is real man! X_x
  10. jorgesilvera


    What the...? You are that lvl bored...
  11. You know what sucks?!!!!! That the woman that you love, loves your friend but he is like: whatver. and he want the friend of the woman that i want. ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That sucks! GTFO!!!!!!!!!! X_x!
  12. Epilogue Then a kid faund Jorge's Sombrero,within a evil pawer on it...
  13. And when kouch looked back, he tripped over a stone and another stone pierced his eye, leaving him half-blind.
  14. Use @pettalk [insert here what you want to hear form the pet] ^^ So it would be boring to code all the abaliable pet. Nothing more can be done.
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