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Nu0c Mam

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About Nu0c Mam

  • Birthday 11/19/1999

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    Nu0c Mam
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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. can any 1 tell a sinx dex build for breaking and pvping ?
  2. Nu0c Mam

    Woe 2.0

    agree for sure.
  3. Hi. So you see how everyone is laddering for the sacred wing, raw and whatever. I thought of a way to help new players/beginners that just join ForsakenRO. Why not make another pvp ladder, but something more like annhilation. Sooo, this is what I thought ! We make another pvp room, where you can't wear donation,non-donation,mvp cards in. ( Mini-boss cards are allowed in. ) You could only wear the simple stuff like, legion plate,valk set,main gauche,blade, etc. All the things you could buy from the mall. Then we'll have a pvp ladder like the one we have now but, you could only get kills in the new pvp room. Which means your gonna have to wear simple stuff like what I said up there ^ . Each week, we'll see who has the most kills and they'll win prizes ! But not prizes like sacred wing or raw. Oh and ygg/seeds are allow in the room. OPTION 1 PRIZES 1st place ; 30 Yggdrasilberry tickets , Full forsaken elite set of there choice, & 15 bloody branches 2nd place ; 20 yggdrasilberry tickets, 10 bloody branches, 3rd place ; 10 yggdrasilberry tickets, 5 bloody branches OPTION 2 PRIZES 1st place ; 30 yggdrasilberry tickets, any forsaken elite part/wep of there choice, 15 bloody branches 2nd place ; 20 yggdrasilberry tickets, 10 bloody branches, 3rd place ; 10 yggdrasilberry tickets, 5 bloody branches OPTION 3 PRIZES 1st place ; 30 yggdrasilberry tickets, 15 yggdrasilseed tickets & any forsaken elite part/wep 2nd place ; 20 yggdrasilberry tickets, 15 yggdrasilseed tickets, & 15 dragon breath cocktail 3rd place ; 10 yggdrasil berry tickets, 15 yggdrasil seed tickets, & 10 dragon breath cocktail I didnt know what prizes to come up with, so I came up with these. Please give your opinion & comments. This will help new players get decent gears and other stuff !
  4. Nu0c Mam

    Hi O.o;;

  5. Nu0c Mam

    Emperium Room

    So I just wanted to suggest that we should have a emp room. A emp room is basicly a room where theres a emp and you get to test new woe builds. When you hit the emp it'll show the damage so you could see how mcuh you do(They'll be no lag because your the only one hitting the emp) If this get accpeted, then probaly we should have a emp breaking ladder to see who will do the most or break it the fastest. This could be when your testing your builds. Please leave your comments on my suggestion. :)
  6. Nu0c Mam

    Pvp Ladder.

    I see that alot of people were banned from the pvp ladder. But I think they should have another chance to pvp , what if they didnt mean to cheat ? or there friend made them banned. Maybe the gm's could unbanned them and keep a eye on them when they ladder or pvp. Merry Christmas to all !! :)
  7. EY COUZINNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Nu0c Mam

    Vote Rewards

    Vote reward item should be allow to be traded.
  9. Nu0c Mam

    Jonas Brothers!

    LOL MAN!
  10. Nu0c Mam


    No i am not thai. I'm one of thai's cousin. Its just not fair that Higher classes could go in pvp but smaller cant D:
  11. Nu0c Mam


    baby classes should be allow in pvp.
  12. who are yooou wth LOL

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