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SilverStriker :D

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Everything posted by SilverStriker :D

  1. i hates it when my dad uses his router settings to block all my online games :P makes me really wanna break his computer... then again he will never unblock it back if i do SUCKS!
  2. lol.
  3. chnage your build!! u wont kill anyone with 195 aspd with sonic blow u'll just go miss miss miss if u wanna play sb get some phree!! then if u wanna play luk then concentrate with luk!!! looooll
  4. u could still asura normally! but u would need 3/4 kiels! its actually nice for me :D i dont get kos-ed by them as much
  5. u'll get used to it or u can use a paper and save coordinates or use alt m and save ur coods when u wanna use them just press the alt + 1 << example
  6. HAHAHA this must be the simplest reply yet

    i hope to see a pikachu pet :)

  9. A translation if your english is bad, Nevergone Shes use non donation intelligence belts and vitality belts. She slots in general egnigem card / matry card / dragoon wizard card in her shoes skoll card / raydric card in her cloak and for weapons she suggests dragon warlord , metaling card SHE SAYS to keep your build to be anything annoying... i think thats what she said~ correct me if im wrong
  10. Happens to me sometimes too ;) everywhere i go.. once in awhile i get an error simliar to this .. after reoppening it becomes normal again but from my past ro-experiences this kind of error is probably due to your client or data or whatever to be too outdated if u keep getting this error... go to forsaken ro main website and download the all in one and install all over again... and if that doesnt work... lawl /sry
  11. IgnitionZero is a small guild :D wanna join /heh we aren't goin for woe so u might not be interested mayb later on we will be joinning and failing /meh
  12. aww common.. does it hurt to leave a comment?

  13. looks like im that 99.5% im a skull collector /gg about 118 varities of the skulls in my gstorage and highest amount about 43 lawl... im not the most.. obviously i don kill people even if i could :D im just a cloaking thief bug thats reaps of kills
  14. hahahhahaha this topic is funny :D
  15. lawl...
  16. AGREED.
  17. Welcome to forsaken ro :D
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