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About Anael

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Mike! How can you not remember how we became friends?! I was defending Ami over a signature (the penguin) that you made and we argued it out. After I apologized for jumping to conclusions we hit it off. ♥ You're a really great friend and I'm so glad to have you in my life!

  2. Anael


    Saw this so I had to answer. No order. Jae - Who can forget him? [ Armani ], ha. Great Assassin Cross, always caught me randomly, really chill attitude and has a bit too much money as his disposal. I remember meeting him in PvP just sitting there, we began talking about idk what. John (Yukumaru) - I really forgot how I met him, we just randomly began talking. Ming - I killed him back then a few times, then at one point I stopped people from killing him (remember that one?) whereafter he got better and we became friends. Jay - The stalker. I saw him dead in PvP and we just began talking. Funny guy. We GM'd together and are currently very homo with eachother. Tiago - idk how we just became friends Thai - So... Thai and I were together in my room watching T.V when my shirt accidentally caught on to a nail on my wall and ripped, Thai was interested on how I looked and asked to touch my pecs...... heh Sean - We used to fight all the time when he was a Green Assassin Cross with a Luigi Hat. Now we're just homo. I mean friends. David - Once an enemy, then a great friend. I was randomly being homo to him and Jae and we became friends. Erin - I despised how she ran Elysium, other than that though she's amazing to talk to and doesn't take my homo to thai so seriously. Peter - Straight from Boston, cool dude, relaxed personality and can't take it when I act homo. I forgot how we became friends. Kuoch - We randomly began talking, amazing friend that really has to show me some of his female friends. :] Tony - We share Jay's penis. Elli - Hit on her. Forgot how we became friends. Maria - Hit on her (Sorry Jay). Fucking loser lmao WHY DO YOU EXIST MAN!? Jokes! Rajaa - Hit on her (Sorry Sarhan). I called her Soy from the start. Then we became friends by just talking about anything. She's really cool and fun to talk to. And really hot. Dean - Real fun to talk to and PvP allied with. Forgot how we met in exact, real fun to be around with him though, I can remember how much we used to duel. Terminus - As soon as I joined fRO we became friends. He is seriously the best player in all of fRO, hands down. Laiger - Buttbuddy Laiger. Forgot how we met though. Ryan - This dude was extremely cool and became a legend in fRO obviously for a reason I just will not state. Shawn - Ridiculously awesome personality, we both always teamed up in everything and always aided eachother's needs. Hope everything's alright man. Sarhan - First great enemies, then great friends, then we've absolutely lost contact. Forgot how we became friends though. But we GM'd together also. Serenity - Hit on her recently. Forgot how we became friends. Nick & Leni - Nick and I played around a lot in the forums and caused trouble purposely. Leni was always around and I always forgot to tell her the plot. Now we're great friends and a team, them two have by far the strongest relationship ever that I've noticed. They're both amazing and intelligent beyond what others would think. Julie - We just called eachother names and became friends. Alex (Apostrophe') - I was overweight with belts so I gave her a few. Then we just began chatting and continued on so and are now good friends. Jorge (Zeitgeist) - How can I forget? You were a Paladin in nlRO and were killing the same people I was. We combined forces and kept wiping PvP out. Further on history after Genesis told me about him wanting to create a server, I told Zeitgeist and after the server was created, I was persistent in asking Jorge to apply to GM. Which he did. One of the greatest and most intelligent people I know to this day. Smeay - I forgot how we became cool lmao. But you're cool dude. Pat (Celerity) - I forgot how we became cool... once again. But you're ridiculously fun to talk to and chill with. Justin - At one point my "big brother" in fRO! Amazing guy. Dennis - After being enemies for so long, I assume you got tired of it as much as me thus decided to become friends instead. You're cool anyways, great choice befriending you. Raphael - The only person that despises yggs that I respect. Intelligent with great tuition and a wonderful ability to create logical theories that usually more than always play out to be just as he says. Great personality and mature. Icon - Best High Wizard. I always respected this dude no matter what. Funny as hell with a really fun and great personality. Ridiculously intelligent and one of the best people I've known. Derek - I used to create millions of his clones to kill him when we chilled as [GM]Synchronize. Also managed to Blade Stop me when I was attacking him in a dice event. Really fun dude. Gay for not mentioning me in his post. Genesis - Randomly PM'd me in nlRO forums under the name Backpack, told me about his ideas of the new server, I decided to help. Really cool dude, smart as hell and really busy 24/7, fun to talk to but lately has changed... drastically. :/ John (Phenomenon) - Had a knack for catching me off guard and killing me lol, we were enemies at first but later became friends. He's got a great personality, fun to talk to and honestly I hope he doesn't change. Alvin - We used to battle everyone but ourselves. I remember how you used to try RANDOM stupid stuff in any class, where I'd support you. Steven (Boobs) - We go way back from nlRO, we used to talk shit about everyone and disregard what they said :) Ami - Was. Pooh - Lol this dude! I remember killing him a few times in the past as Remy. Then he stopped gangers from trying to kill me and we became friends. Really fun and funny to talk to. Bidoof Justin - RANDOM guy, I don't know HOW you do stuff... funny as hell guy, I used to laugh when he'd say "fml" after dying as a noob sniper. Chris (HerLove) - Was once an enemy, we became friends after we created an alliance that was later broken once Influence rose again. Dina - Hardcore homosexual lover, we do bad things to eachother and call eachother fags. I love him as much as my penis does. Mmmm Dina sounds great for lunch, time to eat him...... Levis - Great friend that followed what I asked him to do, to this day I wonder what he's doing, kinda miss the dude. Sarduarkar - We both used to talk randomly to eachother about interesting stuff in PvP. Never really fought, whenever we tried we just ended up having a conversation. Jelly - This little fgt used to try to kill me ALL the time in for_fild lmao. Funny as hell guy, loves my cock. :) That's all I feel like writing down, my hands hurt.. Sorry if I missed anyone.
  3. Anael

    Ok. Bye guys.

    So yeah, the server just got gay because of the 'Official' updates that happened that hold no record of ever happening in any of kRO/iRO's update archives nor in doddlercon's wikipedia..... It was fun. Bye guys. I don't know, maybe I'll come back if this is fixed. But for now. Anael signing out-- MSN me at [email protected] if you wish to contact me. :]
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