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Ben Ihesiaba Jr.

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Everything posted by Ben Ihesiaba Jr.

  1. CoD4= Call Of Duty 4 rated 2008 Game Of The Year. Go buy it.
  2. >_> <_< Are we the only two!!?!? lol
  3. Sidenote* If you were to put on Undead Armor, posion will actually heal you. Take it off as soon as your opponent realizes it's undead and not poison though, as, if they're smart, they'll one shot you with a Ygg Leaf.
  4. Dance Gavin Dance- "Strawberry Andre"
  5. Phil Collins- "In The Air Tonight" Michael Bolton- "Go the Distance" Claudio of Coheed & Cambria- "Gotta Catch Em All" (Pokemon Theme Song) Sting- "Roxanne" (Sting, Not The Police) NSYNC- EVERYTHING ( I Was 7 In '99) Motorhead- "Ace Of Spades" Juvenile- "Slow Motion" Ludacris- EVERYTHING Nelly- EVERYTHING
  6. "And I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman"- Dance Gavin Dance
  7. Ben Ihesiaba Jr.


    Fall Out Boy- "Tell Mick That He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today" Light that smoke, yeah one for giving up on me, And one just cause they'll kill you sooner than my expectations. To my favorite liar, to my favorite scar: (To my favorite scar.) 'I could have died with you.' I hope you choke on those words, that kiss, that bottle.- I confess. (Come bury me in memory.) Now ash yourself, yeah, out on the insides, I said I loved you but I lied. Let's play this game called 'When You Catch Fire.' I wouldn't piss to put you out. Stop burning bridges and drive off of them, So I can forget about you. So bury me in memory. His smile's your rope, So wrap it tight around your throat. On the drive home, Joke about the kid you used to see, And his jealousy. Breaking hearts has never looked so cool, As when you wrap your car around a tree. Your makeup looks so great next to his teeth. (His teeth.) Let's play this game called 'When You Catch Fire.' I wouldn't piss to put you out. Stop burning bridges and drive off of them, So I can forget about you. So bury me in memory. His smile's your rope, So wrap it tight around your throat. (Bury me.) So bury me in memory. His smile's your rope, So wrap it tight around your throat. So bury me in memory. Around your throat.
  8. Emarosa- Head Or Tails, Real Or Not Followed by the entire 808's and Hearbreak Followed by the entire So Far Gone
  9. Fuck you and your attempt to be different. Anywho. Kanye, Lupe, Andre 3k, Wayne, Drake.
  10. Howzit folks? I didn't see one of these topics so I figured I'd start one. If you have an Xbox 360 and A Gold Account, list your Gamer Tag and a few games you frequent. Maybe you can meet up with another ForRO member outside of Ragnarok. GT- xAAx Mercy I Frequent: CoD4, BattleField: Bad Company, RB6: Vegas 2, Mercenaries 2, and Rock Band 2.
  11. Welcome! (I'm new to the server myself) Not alot of Brazilians. Mostly english speaking and a few Pinoys
  12. You sell it to the NPC's with a merchant. Alternative= Stone Of Sage (you can earn them in bulk REALLY quickly at tha_t07-12)
  13. The elemental damage modifier is still there. For some odd reason, the GM's decided to move the icon informing you of it.
  14. Yeah, @ali 12040 If you farm them while lvling, you'll have 600+ before you know it. In my case I made 40mil in the 2 hours it took to lvl my LK from 190 Job Lvl to 255. Not Much, but not a bad start. As A Sidenote, bring a Holy weapon to tha_07-12, you'll thank me later.
  15. Alright. To answer your original question about why you cant kill an MVP with your LK. First and foremost, before you attempt to MVP you should DEFINATELY learn the Elemental chart aka what elements are strong/weak against other elements. I say this because every MVP is a certain element or elements and they all have an element they are weaker against ( I might make a post about elements.). Even with 500 dex you can't hit a monster with it's natural element, ex. A Solace can not be hit with Holy as it is an Angel type monster. Secondly, as a Lord Knight, you have HP second only to Paladins. That being said, they are a great class to MVP with provided you have the correct build. I will make a post explaining all this is the next hour or two.
  16. Did you try relogging? If so, and the problem persists, contact a gm immediately.
  17. Yeah, Elite Quest for LK is hard as shit and I need a Doppelganger card to finish the 1st part. I've only been here 2days, so i'm no where near loaded but make and offer and i'll see what I can do.
  18. Class - Lord Knight Level - 255/255 Build Request - MVP Build Ingame Name - CalintzJerevinan Sidenote- I'm not new to RO, just new to this server, Actually this is my 8th server lol. I'm only asking for the help because this is the first server i've ever played a Knight on. (usually champ/sinx/bard)
  19. Dude. Thank you. I was wondering how that all worked for this server.
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