Hi everyone
its my 4th day here. So far i have some friends now. Last night me and my friend on a plublic chatroom suddenly a gm entered and his name was [GM]Zeitgeist.
We just say hello to him and he said that he will give us items. He ask for our accountid and password. My friend gave his accountid and password. While mine i dont give it.
Then gm named [GM]Zeitgeist threatened me that he will banned me for not giving my account and password. Then i said go on and banned me. Then he ask me if i dont trust him. Then i said back no i dont. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
Anyway my friends char name is Suppression. I was excited now to go home and check if i was banned. :laugh: :laugh:
Hehehe Do gms really do that on the game?
See you guys.