I am using a sniper... who has no str at all... cause I'm a sniper..
Anyway. The quests are really a pain in the balls, not the quest themselves, but the fact that for me to turn in the items for said quests, I have to reset my stats, sit there for 20 minutes clicking on str until its 300, go into storage, get the items, bring them to the quest giver, then go back reset my stats again, and then click on dex for 20 minutes until its 300.
So here is my fix. I was in a server a few months ago that allowed us to be overweight past the usual 90%. The draw backs were, you couldn't attack (obiviously), and your walking speed was decreased 5% for every 10% overweight you were past 90%.
I honestly don't expect this to get approved, but its a shot in the dark. It will help a lot of snipers\wizards (and others who don't have max str) who are sick of having to reset in order to turn in the items for the quests.
Or, make it so we can use the short cuts on the stats. This way if we reset, we can use /dex +299 to max the stat out instead of having to click on it for 20 minutes.