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  1. Rvnender

    I'm Back!

    I am not back. My old PC died, so I haven't been able to play to even check the forums for about a month or so. But now, I am back and with a beastly PC. yay4me
  2. I know a few people live in MA, so are you going to WWNE? I am! Starts today at 5 PM. Today is the only day I can go, since I work the weekend.
  3. Yeah thats what I figured it wasn't a card in play yet. Not worried, I'm gonna hold onto it though.
  4. But... if I do.. then I will lose my sick card... Seriously, thats all it is? I just thought it was an unreleased card or something. Thanks man I will update it now. Edit: hmmm... I tried to update it and it won't update. It just says that it cannot connect to the server.
  5. Yeah.... be jealous of my sick card. BIN for 2m dcoupons. Don't wait, PM ME NOW!!!!!
  6. Hello, Welcome to the server! :)

    Hope you enjoy your stay here and Thanks for giving fRO a try.

    Try get a lot of new item by voting in : forsaken-ro.net/voting. :)

  7. Rvnender

    Over Weight

    Ahh ok. Then ignore the second suggestion and look at the first. Thanks man!
  8. Rvnender

    Over Weight

    Does it actually work? I doesn't come up under @commands so I assumed the GMs disabled it.
  9. Why aren't GMs baning those who are exploiting it? If you start just out right banning people from doing it, then its going to send a message to the rest and it should (should being the keyword there) stop. I understand its hard to do since its large maps that no body goes too. But why not hire enforces? I was an enforcer on another server. Basically they were cops that the general public didn't know about. We would walk around (mostly during WoE) and look for people trying to exploit the system. After we found one, we would send a message to the GM in charge that day, and he would come and handle it as we sneak off into the sunset. I like the idea of a PvP ladder (even though I don't do it myself), and I like the idea of it tracking all of your kills and deaths instead of ones in a predetermined location. Once the GMs start banning the idiots exploiting it, then it should be good. Until then, I am for this. If its disabled in the castles themselves, then why is enabled out side the castles? I say disable all kills from being recorded on the ladder except those gotten in the PvP room. Until the random idiots who like to cheat are removed.
  10. Rvnender

    Over Weight

    I am using a sniper... who has no str at all... cause I'm a sniper.. Anyway. The quests are really a pain in the balls, not the quest themselves, but the fact that for me to turn in the items for said quests, I have to reset my stats, sit there for 20 minutes clicking on str until its 300, go into storage, get the items, bring them to the quest giver, then go back reset my stats again, and then click on dex for 20 minutes until its 300. So here is my fix. I was in a server a few months ago that allowed us to be overweight past the usual 90%. The draw backs were, you couldn't attack (obiviously), and your walking speed was decreased 5% for every 10% overweight you were past 90%. I honestly don't expect this to get approved, but its a shot in the dark. It will help a lot of snipers\wizards (and others who don't have max str) who are sick of having to reset in order to turn in the items for the quests. Or, make it so we can use the short cuts on the stats. This way if we reset, we can use /dex +299 to max the stat out instead of having to click on it for 20 minutes.
  11. Rvnender

    I'm Sad...

    I am actually going to do that. Bind a bunch of keys to where they spawn and then just warp around killing them. Bankai': I need 55 more job levels. I just want to get the stuff out of the way so I have it, then grind the rest out.
  12. No, no HP increase on Katar. As somebody already said, SinX's already a lot of health to begin with. SinX's are not a tanking class. They shouldn't have the 2nd highest HP on the server. Giving them even more health? No. Can't agree with that. nines, the reason why daggers are so popular on this server is because there aren't any other options really. Now I'm suggesting an option, this is why I posted this. The Katar also doesn't need full strip. I will agree with demihuman damage. I do feel that it does need a little of it. From what I have read, it seems as though most people want the SinX to be a one man machine who can one shot LKs and take the emp in 2 seconds. Come on guys, we're looking for balance. Not SinX's raping everything during WoE.
  13. Dagger's are not the main weapon for a SinX... It really depends on build.
  14. ^ I like him\her. You're kinda like me, you just say whatever you want. I respect that.
  15. Rvnender

    I'm Sad...

    I don't want to hunt for 3000 hydra cards... its going to take forever... fucking forsaken elite quest...
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