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About aelithe

aelithe's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. as the title says, thanks!
  2. aelithe

    siva wings?

    what is it and what does it do? also, how valuable is it? can it be obtained through donations? how much will it cost if you donate for it? thanks!
  3. bump for suggestion approval ;)
  4. Selling: dracula card angeling card tgen card maya purple card sun aurora moon aurora L/N/O here or pm mizzymizzy in game
  5. aelithe

    PC> ICEPICK[1]

    ok tyanks for the heads up :)
  6. aelithe


    Selling: dracula card angeling card tgen card maya purple card sun aurora moon aurora L/N/O here or pm mizzymizzy in game
  7. aelithe

    PC> ICEPICK[1]

    price check for icepick[0] and icepick[1] please
  8. well it's been 2 days since the supposed ending of the ROP donation but i still see it in the donation site o.o
  9. aelithe

    B> eddga

    buying eddga card, pm your price here or in game, thanks ingame name: mizzymizzy
  10. true, i hope they do implement something like that, it would benefit everyone, not just us farmers but also the buyers (no more ridiculously overpriced speed tickets)
  11. the idea of a 2nd dungeon room/pass sounds nice, personally i'm getting sick of all the overpriced speed tix out there (1:3 are you kidding me??) the speed farmers caused the bug themselves, if they didn't keep on ksing each other's spawns with the other party retaliating by spawning continuously at the end portal we wouldn't have any problems with farming
  12. title says it all, thanks :)
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