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Everything posted by Encyclopedia

  1. You can't heal the stone until it breaks. You shouldn't nerf Priests in WoE. The guardian stone can be hit by magic, asura strike, etc. It can take 150m damage in under 30 seconds if undefended. What are priests supposed to do otherwise? All other skills a priest utilizes are not High Priest-exclusive. Are you to remove Sanctuary from being used to heal the emperium as well? Just make the stone bigger. No one complains about priests and the emps because it's visible. P.S. It's not like it's impossible to break a stone, even with a priest using heal. I saw a lot of posts here about 'what if 3-5 priests bombard it with heal?!?!?' What the hell. No guild has 3-5 active priests, let alone ones that will dedicate there entire time to healing the Guardian Stone. That would take too much manpower away from actually trying to kill people. Why don't people utilize Magnetic Earth+use team work. The maximum a priest can heal is around 450k. I'm sure a 3m+ asura strike can out damage that people.. put yourselves in the place of those you try to critic. Maybe you should stop trying to look for quick fixes and realize your strategies/team work isn't in check. A group of 3 people can break a castle in normal WoE when it's being defended by 30+ people, yet no one complains about reductions. It's not always the system's fault, things are difficult for a reason.
  2. 1280!
  3. Encyclopedia

    Dear Diary.

    Deary Diary, The last 3 Christmases have been terrible, but this one is by far the worst. End
  4. Are you sure you have the skill to even obtain a cart? When you are of the merchant/mastersmith/creator class, make sure to unequip the forsaken wanderer's hat when adding skill points to your skill tree. Make sure you have the skill and to be positively sure you don't have a cart, press alt followed by w, if nothing pops up, you have no cart.
  5. Your opponent removed their 55% reductions, or changed to a deviling card/an armor which you gave you an elemental advantage then. Damage did not surpass 9.7k at any point on 55% demi-human reductions. I mained Lord Knight almost the entire time the Halberd was out in it's original form and used 300 str as well as all str-increase items. I would know my own classes damage well. If you want balance for other classes, bring it up in it's own appropriate topic. Lord Knight's versatility comes at a steep SP-cost price, as well to being limited to close range skills, and one skill that actually makes it HARDER to hit their opponent (knock back). The damage reduction was never discussed with the public, nor was it widely complained about. The damage was not too overpowered, it was on par with what other classes like sniper/clown/assassin cross can do.
  6. As far as I know, people were complaining about the coma-effect on the weapon in past suggestion topics. It was neither a discussion or a large-scale complaint about Lord Knight's damage. It is true that a certain unbalance still remains among classes, but they all seem to all have a great chance at defending themselves at this point. I have played Lord Knight on this server since mid-2008ish and while a force to be reckoned with at all times, the flourishing of items among players have given way to what was the inevitable; Sniper's long range capabilities and non-reliance on Element Enchantment Items can give a problem big problems when it comes to player killing, a Clown's crippling Tarot Card as well as there long range damage capabilities give Lord Knights great trouble, they are on the even par with Assassin Crosses I would say, at least when facing one another. I am not trying to discuss other classes, I am just saying that Lord Knights don't have the easy time you all paint when facing the most offensive and used classes. High HP means nothing when you can't touch your opponent. Before Spiral Pierce, what did people rely on? Bowling Bash? That skill pushes people away. I know that Supreamus is quite sufficient at killing people, but you weren't always watching him. I'm sure he had trouble against these classes at one point or another. Versatility comes at a price. Crappy offensive abilities that can be nullified by a few well placed Pneumas, and a skill that pushes your enemy away. The Lord Knight's Halberd breathed new life into this rarely used class. Now I don't really main Lord Knight, so you can't call me for being biased, but there damage was just on par with other classes. You can claim 'Oh well you can spam it indefinitely, you can use other skills, etc' but when it comes down to it, Spiral Pierce eats up a LOT of SP and you require to use a Yggdrasil Seed/Berry within 1 second if you wish to continue to spam that skill. You also require 3 Kiels to spam it, so you are susceptible to either Cloaking or Stone Curse, depending if you use 4 slots in your headgears. My bottom line is this: 1. Spiral Pierce, while spammable at an astounding rate, comes at a great SP usage price/sacrifice of headgear cards. 2. Other classes are privy to skills which are more fit to a PvP-style play. Tarot, Double Strafe (requires 0 kiels to spam), Focus Arrow Strike (more damage output per second, less SP usage), Sonic Blow (much greater damage output per spam, though a sacrifice of reduction is required). Bowling bash.. knocks your player away. That's counter-productive. Spiral Pierce is nice yes, but the damage can be reduced to that of Sniper wearing 1 Fallen Bishop Hibram Card in there boots without much effort. We discussed the over-poweredness of the weapon's coma, but where's the great complaint for a reduction in damage? We all didn't seem to have a problem with it in the topics that were created prior to it being nerfed. Now we all suddenly jump on the bandwagon because it means one less class to fight. I challenge you to use a Lord Knight in PvP and use it EFFICIENTLY against snipers, clowns, and some of the better assassin crosses, a damage increase to at least 150% of it's previous 200% would not be hard to overcome.
  7. Lmao. Don't mean to flame you or anything, but you need 3 kiels to spam spiral pierce. Adding +str cards that compound on your helmet would greatly impede your capabilities of spamming.. someone who has barely played (read: never) Lord Knight should not talk about what changes need to be done with Lord Knight. I respect the other's input however. ^^
  8. Are you serious? Did you even read what I wrote before typing that? Not having this is actually the cause of cheating. Please research or actually play the server consistently to know what is going on/is best for the server. My suggestion is to DISABLE ranking in ALL maps except LMS maps & the PvP Rooms, how would this encourage cheating? Please answer that.
  9. Encyclopedia


    I hate when people on these forums make comments/statements/topics, and don't know what the **** they are talking about. If only they'd make an effort to get their facts straight, do a little more research, or read the content posted here in it's ENTIRETY before making their remarks, we'd all be spared a lot of the BS some people post here. Though I admit, sometimes people just lack the knowledge/capacity to actually make a decent, well-informed comment, in which case I pity their ignorance.
  10. I remember sometime back, the administrative team made it so that kills towards the pvp ladder did not count if you killed/were killed within Guild Siege Castles. While this is great, their is still a few loopholes to be covered. Yes, those dreaded maps outside the Castles, in which kills/deaths count for the PvP Ladder. If this wasn't already bad enough, PvP is enabled at ALL times. Now I'm not suggesting turning off PvP during non-WoE times, no. That would not be enough, people would still find ways to cheat during WoE. I say eradicate those kills counting towards the ladder, period. This server is great, but people are put off by the PvP room because they find their PvP thrills elsewhere, mostly during WoE and in for_fild01, which is great and all, but if you want to return the glory back to the PvP room, we need the PvP Ladder to be based soley on kills there, no where else where private cheating could occur or in an area so big that it cannot be monitored at all times. If PvP was disabled within Guild Castles to limit cheating and bring fun/life back into the PvP room, then you can see that there's no other choice but to also eliminate it from areas outside castles. It's becoming a habit for people to cheat in those maps, and it's very hard to monitor those maps when their are plentiful and easily entered/left without notice. I hope most, if not all, of you agree, and hope to see justice for those that truly dedicate themselves to the ladder, than those who simply cheat and bring shame to the PvP Ladder, thank you.
  11. Okay. If you want to help the Sniper Class, I suggest that your suggestion doesn't have an extremely OP idea (Ability to use a Cart, WTF? Really? Okay I want that for my Priest/Clown/Champion then. ^_^) and an extremely stupid one (...custom arrow that adds 50 ATK), instead why not change pre-existing items/cards. If you kill someone because of a 50 ATK difference while you weren't able to before, let me know.
  12. Cause more havoc? Why? Because people who paid 3k+ for their Blue Emperium Auroras would see them go down to the 2k range? I thought it was worth more because of it's appearance, not because of how many their are. Their are certainly quite a lot of Blue Emperium Auroras out their. I think it would be FAIR to make it so that both treasure chests drop Emp in Prontera. Why not? I don't see a sensible reason here. The economy has been effect DRAMATICALLY much more by other means than what I think this would cause. Either change the other treasure chests to have only 1 drop Emp Aura, or change Prontera's treasure chests to both drop it. It's only fair. Why should 1 item/castle have a higher rarity than others, while it has the exact supposed drop rate?
  13. Okay, the excuse that this shouldn't be implemented because you can simply put enough items in your inventory that you can loot what items you want with @autoloot is a sad one. Is it possible? I don't know. But is that a better alternative if it IS possible? No. I agree. @ali2, @ali3 pls. More if possible. I hope it is. It's highly useful and would help hunters greatly imo. c:
  14. Encyclopedia

    Branch Arena

    Oh god. Are you serious? Why not create rooms where we can buff ourselves with buffs that require PvP to be on. Or private rooms so we can sit and talk with friends so people don't warp near us and troll us. There's tons of maps, trust me I know. Is there a 0.0001% chance someone can warp to you? Yes. But how many people seriously Bloody Branch enough for it to be a problem? There are many maps to which summon in. Privacy is never guaranteed but there's so many maps that aren't visited at all, ever. I am so sure of that. Try obscure fields, not special maps, people visit those.
  15. Are you serious? First of all, Auto Attack damage is pretty low for almost any class except sinX, so talking about how your auto attack is low is pretty pointless. You're meant to use skills and tactics when using a sniper, not point and wait. I don't think Snipers need a boost at all. Not damage wise at least. I agree with Ryuk, if pouring card is changed but nulled when using the Soaring Bird, then I would agree, and yeah. Each class has it's use. Assassin Crosses aren't meant to buff. Priests aren't meant to dominate offensively. Not all classes are meant to break. Lets aim for class balance and more help for newer players before exploring an area that doesn't need changing.
  16. NO. Read the description, it's like giving LKs an all-time Amon Ra.
  17. ooooh, okay! LOL. todavia tengo tu emp :s

  18. No entendi ese mensaje :S

  19. LOL ok, quizas te vendo emp nadamas por hacerte el favor.
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