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Everything posted by Wasted.

  1. Wasted.

    Merchants >_>

    Is there a merchant mall in the server O_____O? If it is, I didn't know o.o
  2. Wasted.


    Welcome, people here is very nice. I'm quite sure you will make a lot of friends in a few days :graduated:
  3. Welcome back even tought I didn't play a year ago. :happystrange:
  4. Wasted.

    New Guy In Town.

    Welcome, I hope you like the server :) :thumbsup_still:
  5. Wasted.


    Welcome :]]... People in fRo is very kind, if you need any help you can pm me :], not now cuz I'm having some scammed problem, QQ.
  6. Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, I don't remember qq. Hmm, was it Thomas?? qq, this sucks.
  7. Same here :suicide_anim:
  8. Thanks everyone for the welcome :king_right:
  9. Thanks for the welcome to the FORUMS... I have been like 4 months in the server :cool04:
  10. Hi there! Well I just made this acc on the forums.. I'm new here, but not in game :]] So, I guess this is funny, or not? :blush: PD: Like my pic :D??
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