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Everything posted by kaera

  1. >> now I really want ramen. yer pretty :D
  2. That's 'cause I never ever get on. I prefer the forum. It was hard to get into ForsakenRO because I'm so used to LLRO.
  3. Time for more pictures because I'm bored and, surprisingly, there is nothing else to do on the internet. Uno. Dos. Tres. Kbye.
  4. :o ohaithar.
  5. kaera

    This or that

    Neither. Shark Week or Ghost Hunters?
  6. Granted, but it ate you. I wish I wasn't so bored.
  7. Granted, but sucks for you cause your room was already -20 degrees. I wish for the Twilight movie to not suck ass so much so i can actually sit through the entire movie without feeling the need to make fun of it. (No offense to anyone who likes it >>)
  8. Granted, but the delivery center messed up and sent you a demon instead. You are now damned to hell. I wish I had no homework.
  9. kaera

    Are you bored?

    A fact about the person you like. He is in a band. What happened at 10:00 am today? I was shaking a can full of pennies in science. Where did you last eat? Dairy queen. Whose the most annoying person in your neighborhood? Tommy and Taylor. What were you doing at 8:30pm last Saturday night? I... I don't know... O.o What are you thinking right now? "DAMN YOU FOOT, WAKE UP" Name some lyrics from the song your listening to now? "God, who'd wanna be, God who's wanna be such an asshole." What are you doing right now besides this survey? Listening to music. What are your plans tomorrow? School, guitar, LINWORTH PROM, photoshoot. What are you looking forward to in the next week? Linworth Prom, school almost being out. Why did your parents give you the name you have? Because my dad's name is Michael. (My name's Michaela) Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? Uhh... Sometimes... Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I hope so/not. What was the reason you last cried? Frustration. Where is your father? His bedroom. Are you listening to music? Yessuh. Who were the last 4 people to IM you? I have no idea. What's the fifth text in your inbox say? "Although, me and stan might show up this summer." ILOVEYOUALEC!!! Is there anything that you are craving right now? Sleep. Clear skin. To be on birth control. <.< >.> When did your last hug take place & who was it with? Leigh ann's car. Leigh ann. Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name? Kayla- Mikayla- Mikaela- Chaela- Have you ever started a sentence with "no offense, but"? Probably. Do you drink tea? Often. Who pissed you off last? Mother. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? I hope. Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Yes.
  10. Granted, but then a plane hit you. I wish I wasn't so scared all the time.
  11. I disagree. A good photographer has a good eye for pictures, which is what makes someone a talented photographer, just like a painter or someone who draws. Even though you didn't create the thing you're taking a picture of, you're still creating the picture. You're still deciding the angles, and what light is good/what light isn't. Photography is an art, just like Painting is an art. (I suppose this is just my oppinion, though.) Btw, I like yo pictures.
  12. So,I just thought that I'd share with you my recent photography... There probably really is no point to me making this post, considering I have the link in my signature, BUT, oh well. Here yew go ;D - CLICK HUR By the way, in the top right hand corner, there's a "Slideshow" button. I would suggest clicking that, for an easier time looking through them. ... KTHXBAI! (ps, ignore the first about... 15 photos. those were for a class)
  13. And me making you want to play Kingdom Hearts is making me want to play Kingdom Hearts.

  14. Actually, yes. I didn't take the picture to look like her though, but I did dye my hair blonde to look like her. Yes, I am that much of a nerd, hahah.
  15. :D! Thank you! Haha, I've never been told my eyes are like a cave full of emeralds, so that's a first. x]
  16. I have decided to add more photos of myself to this. Or well, photo. ~~~ Bee tee dubs, Yer pretty ;D
  17. Tiny Vessels - Death Cab For Cutie. Depressing song is depressing.
  18. Hmm... So I'm pretty hesitant to put my pictures up on here. RO player's can be pretty BRUT-ALL. But, what-evs x] (they aren't really in any sort of order) I change my hair colour more than a middle schooler changes their sexuality.
  19. kaera

    [cmnt] Painting

    You are really good for "just trying it out". Keep it up. C:
  20. kaera


    I'm Kaela. Hmmmm... A little about myself? I am fifteen. I play guitar, and I'm into photography (my flickr:: Click hurr!) I love to read and paint, my hair colour changes with the seasons, and I have an obsession with wolves. I played LLRO for about four years, but it seemed to be going downhill so i quit for a while. Now I've decided that maybe it's time to try a new server. If you want to know more, just ask. I'm pretty friendly.
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