Forsaken Ragnarok Online Forums _ Old Guide Archive _ New Quest Guides.
Posted by: Dr. Love Jan 17 2009, 07:42 AM
Medusa Hat
1.) You will have to start of in Forsaken City. Head East from where you usually spawn, and go down until you see an NPC named Adventurer. If you're lazy to walk, he's at fcity 140 104.
Talk to him.
He'll be tired and so he'll ask you to bring him a lot of drinks. Don't worry though.
Requirements: 300 Milk and 30 Red Can
2.) Don't worry about a thing. You won't need to hunt these items.
From where you spawn at Forsaken City, go West. You will see a portal, as in the screenshots.
Enter the portal and talk to the Bartender. He is selling three types of drinks, but what we want is the coke in can, or in this case is the red can.
Now that you have 30 pieces of Red Cans, let us worry about the milk.
Fortunately, there is a milk merchant in Hugel. Just type @go 22 and head north. Or, just type @warp hugel 107 169.
You can now buy 300 milk. Don't worry, they're cheap. <3
3.) Head back to the adventurer and he will give you a hint on where he saw another character.
4.) The other NPC is in Forsaken Field 2, (for_fild02). He's at the lower left of the map, and he's somewhat hiding in the trees. >_>; If you're too lazy, he's at @warp for_fild02 126 107. If you can't see him, rotate your view.
He will tell you something about the dragoons, and a mysterious item that you must fetch because he must not be seen. He's a spy so yeah.
For this part, you will need:
~> 1000x Horrendous Mouth ( dropped by Ghouls and Zombie Masters at gld_dun04 )
~> 1000x Horrendous Hair ( dropped by Medusa at beach_dun )
~> 500x Red Thorn Fruit ( dropped by Hodremlin and Seeker at ra_san03 )
~> 100x Sweet Milk ( dropped by Savage Babe at prt_fild09 )
~> 100x Honey ( dropped by Creamy in gld_dun03 ) *hint, use a Bear card found in for_fild04 which will let you have a chance to obtain Honey everytime you kill a Brute Monster ( If I remember correctly )
After that, return to the spy and enjoy. :]
3D Glasses
1.) This quest is rather easy. From the spawning point in Forsaken City, just keep on going to the eastern part of the map. You will encounter a talking Peco Peco. Again, there's always an easy way. Type @warp fcity 171 113. So yeah, talk to him, and take note of the requirements as he'll only say it once.
For this quest, you will need:
~> 1000x Red Bijou ( dropped by Red Ferus in abyss_02 )
~> 1000x Blue Bijou ( dropped by Blue Acidus in abyss_02 )
~> 10x Angled Glasses ( dropped by Savage and Gullinibursti at gld_dun03 )
After you obtain them, go back to the Peco Peco.
Helm of Hermes
1.) After talking to the Spy in for_fild02 and obtaining the item named Medusa Hat, the next thing you do is... well wear it. o.o After wearing it, talk to the Spy again and he will mention something about an information that the Prince might want to know.
2.) So let us head to the Prince of Forsaken City. His location is easy. Just type @go 25 then go north until you enter a portal. Keep heading north until you see an NPC named Prince Theodore III. You must be wearing the Medusa Hat at this point. Talk to him.
He will mention something about a Soldier in the fourth forsaken field.
3.) The Soldier in the field is riding a Peco peco. He's at the right most part of the fourth forsaken field, but again the magic of warping comes here. Just type @warp for_fild04 355 122. Talk to him.
Take note that the character you bring must be the one who talked to Prince Theodore, otherwise he will mention something not related to this quest.
He will ask you to get the following items:
~> 1000x Eggs ( dropped by Wood Goblin in mosk_dun01 )
~> 1000x Antelope Horns ( dropped by Goat in ein_fild06 )
~> 500x Baos ( dropped by Evil Cloud Hermit in gon_dun02 )
~> 500x Kukre Cards ( dropped by Kukre in iz_dun01 )
~> 800x Authoritative Badges ( dropped by Sohee in pay_dun03 )
After obtaining all the items go back to the Soldier. :}
4. Phree Hat: Talk to this invisible bat in for_fild01 , forgot coords sorry. So this might take a while to find ( like hide and seek ) Phreeoni Hat Quest NPC - warp for_fild01 301 352
He needs : 2 Ant Jaws ( Ungoliants )
1k Drop Cards ( Drops du'h )
500 Ancient Lips ( Merman )
500 Tounges ( dunno sorry )
800 Earthworm peelings ( hodes )
5. Valkyrie Hat Quest NPC - warp for_fild06 255 283