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About Godlik3

  • Birthday 07/22/1986

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  • Guild
    None so far.

Godlik3's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. ELow Ugly :) <3

  2. so ur athena :O i Am ARES!!! XD

  3. Godlik3

    N> WoE guild.

    So could you come over and invite me please? lol. I've decided its Valiant.
  4. Godlik3

    N> WoE guild.

    Thank you very much!
  5. Godlik3

    N> WoE guild.

    So.. Valiant! Lenikins, are you the guild leader?
  6. Godlik3

    N> WoE guild.

    Ook.. helpful reply, I'm guessing these guilds own castles.. Thank you. Now I just need to find who their leaders are ^^
  7. Godlik3

    N> WoE guild.

    *bump* sorry forgot to mention my in-game char name. It's Athena~
  8. Godlik3

    N> WoE guild.

    Ok. I tried opening a chat in-game but that just attracted stupid noob guilds. So I'm going to be honest here. My only purpose for joining a guild is to gain an Emperium aura (it's way too expensive to donate for). I have a Paladin with all equips (Sacrifice, Devotion, WS/Coma?) except for just a frikkin' Empirium aura (and Thanatos card but I can get one later, and I don't really need it, do I?). Obviously, I will be loyal to the guild that does gimme an empirium aura. So, I'd like to speak in-game with leaders of guilds that currently own castles. I'm sure that I'm not a player any guild would not wanna have.
  9. i am de chick ;D

  10. ooo who's de chick!

  11. me no liek dix k xD!

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