Refer to my last post please kthxbai.
And if your too lazy to read it I'll post it again.
Gtfo and stop trolling the forums on a server you don't even play or supposedly like anymore.
So one person can know how to play x , y , and z class but when he fails to kill everyone on class "w" he needs to learn to play? Regardless of knowledge of x, y , and z class? So Until you know everything about every class, everyone needs to L2P apparently.
And as far as learning to play goes. I know what I need to do, what gears I need to get but just because I'm too poor to buy them, that automatically means I don't know? Although having a GR,Deviling,Skoll,PecoPeco isn't quite enough to survive an asura.
One more thing, people will always cry about people who abuse things. If we didn't then what the hell is the point of trying to maintain "balance"? There wouldn't be, people would just play "w" class because they can abuse something to win knowing nobody is going to care.
And on a side note; If "we" was doing "gud" why the fuck would we post a rant to begin with? You lack the basic intelligence to post anything positive in a section where people obviously are not doing the best.
This is the interwebs, SRS BSNS