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Everything posted by velocity161

  1. thats right only 9dqp so hurry! IGN marlowe
  2. velocity161

    tiny shop

    :ph34r: selling GTB[sold!] :ph34r: selling maya purple :party: reply or pm me IGN: marlowe
  3. T> GTB for sun aura
  4. velocity161


  5. hey post where to get items and what o do here! :D
  6. i know but i cant get in it wont let me
  7. get into the abyss
  8. anything els?
  9. hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what! stats do i raise for clown
  10. btw im ualy on marlowe if thats notit its Marlowe
  11. velocity161


    ok how do i get eliete armour and is there any duneons harder than thors valcano and odins temple
  12. selling valk shields and rare armour and weps if u r intrested in what i got hit me up in da gam e:D
  13. velocity161


    how many warps post all u know on here u must liek right now!!!!!!!
  14. hey i need help it is saying patch24.gpf is not a gpf or rgz file plz try again later
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