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About Nick

  • Birthday 12/10/1939

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Germany<br />LeniLeniLeniLeniLeniL<br />eniLeniLeniLeniLeniLe<br />niLeniLeniLeniLeniLen<br />iLeniLeniLeniLeniLeni<br />LeniLeniLeniLeniLeniL<br />eniLeniLeniLeniLeniLe<br />niLeniLeniLeniLeniLen
  • Interests
    Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, Leni, RO

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    Leni's Something, For Leni
  • Guild
    Wherever Leni is

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Hero (6/10)



  1. What magical pixie told you about me?

  2. hai nikc

    i se3 u lo0k at me pr0fil3 men!!


  3. I wish we still talked, it's a shame you've turned into a stranger now.

  4. Nick


    Cure quest? I think last time I caught it I just used the font of renewal. DLCs ftw
  5. Nick

    WHO WANTS?!?!?

    Done it once, not doing it again. o____o 5k page edits much
  6. log on nigguh we nid 2 pwn some mafias QQ

  7. Okay, exactly how do you intend on using a homunculus AI script on a professor? Retarded suggestion.
  8. How about making the tix NPC remember your setting for how many tix to exchange per-char. So you can exchange, say, 3 on sinx, 2 on champ and 1 on clown without having to input anything.
  9. On taekwon! During LMS! YEAHHHH
  10. so saying a server is shitty is advertising it. OIC
  11. how much more do you want
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