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Everything posted by BreakerX

  1. Mainly leaving because I didn't get the approved idea for @storeall. :[ Alas, FRo, I barley knew you...
  2. YEA THIS IS RIGHT...THANKS MAN... HAHAHAHAH xD Nice nice Thanks for helping everybody. I knew you guys would not fail me. :P
  3. Its not cuz you can move your camera angle on that map. I know, hard right? Hmm...All i can is its a flat platform...sigh...D: Hmm.....
  4. None...no mobs, buildings, nothing. Its just a platform. A map where you CAN NOT move your angle position.
  5. No...it isnt abbey D: ITS VERY SMALL....BASICALLY A PLATFORM....and YOU CANT change your CAMERA ANGLE....D: Anyone? Help? D:
  6. Nice try, but not star_job, hold on, let me check abbey...=D
  7. Im trying to look for a map, but I totally forgot the coords. Sadly, I can only describe the map. The map is pretty small, and it has glowing lights. The main color of the map is purple. Its basically a flat platform. You cant change your camera angle when your on that map...and again...its very small.
  8. BreakerX

    3rd classes

    Mmmm...sexy....ROFL dude, the RK is riding a dragon xD No MOAR PECOS D:
  9. BreakerX

    3 words !

    a very small
  10. BreakerX


    I ......................................never played........... :[
  11. Yoda.....lawl.....i have to youtube it to see him fight..... Im a fan of SC 2....Links grab ftw.
  12. Rofl...
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