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  1. Aluxe

    A new MVP

    I thought the topic was closed since it was practically a Fact that is gonna be dont .____. OH well, as Ive stated a million times Im on for this one :D
  2. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    I could go champ as well... I just need to be unbaned ; _ ; , and no you cant with sinx >:D. @Evasive you are spiting shit because you keep saying the same thing all over like a twisted record, answer to arguments with shits that doenst have anything to do, and keep saying more pointless shit in order to change the direction of this thread. You dont care about giving actually thought and valid reasons, you just spit shit as you imagine so you can mislead people out of the topic and thus making autorities ignore the topic. Get some dignity and shut up. @Amitsu Calm down thats his purpose .__.
  3. Aluxe

    Hope it works

    this already exist you can activate it in a kafra in prontera however for some reason rachel kafra can still open regardless of password Also I think @storage bypass that password.
  4. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    Yeah I just started whitesmith first time ever on RO -.- wth did you expected >.>, fight my sinx :D. When I get unbaned though ; _ ;, oh well and me killing you once on the shits I had on that ws (not even elite weps -.-) was good enough xD @Evasive stfu I just got tired of reading your shit. @Pheone I leave this thread to you xD.
  5. I cant go anime conventions cuz theres none where I live ; _ ; , anyway Im not that much of a fan to dress up like whatever xD, yet I would certainly go :D
  6. my ol' good times....hey maybe that netbatling program still exist... I will try to play some again xD
  7. Nah I like killing gangs on my own >.>, usually when someone gang is because they suck as hell (or you killed Chris and he called the whole trans to rip the fuck off you xD [you are pretty much fucked if you get to fight such an army]). Ganging is the fun of donation pvp actually :P, and there are very few worth players who dont need a gang to be fearsome.
  8. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    exactly... there you said it. Unlike that, WS chances are always the same.
  9. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    Like I said hardly someone can kill me on a one on one fight, If you want a duel go ahead kill feed me >:D Divest its in balance because it takes a long while to divest someone unless you are a stalker with free cast of the skill, cards wich gives divest works at percentage and not on our own will. Now shut the hell up if you are going to say the same over and over.
  10. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    all of the divest/dispell/coma/magnum brea/50def-50Mdef/+100 hit are in perfect balance and tell me if I missed any. Every other card with a strategy function has a low chance of happening and even in that low chance it happens very often, the WS chance is certainty not a chance unlike every other card. Its the only card wich havent sufered the effects of a nerf. 10% is the highest chance of all the strategy cards its just to much and its certain to happen.
  11. Im selling great coincidence are you ingame now?
  12. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    I carry more than one armor, if one get broke the others wont for sure =) [i love being able to repair my own armors in my new whitesmith *-*]
  13. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    well big problem there is Asura is instant kill jaja [dont say reflect cuz we know champs can survive that when skilled =( ] dont say shield dont say valk mant gr will break if you dont RSX without tao asura will do more damage than the hp you have em just in case someone wanna point out any of the counter champ options there they are so dont change the subject again ok?
  14. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    that can be use as a reason for a Nerf too, people who are fully reliant in WS just wait until FCP runs out and then atack knowing they have 100% chance of winning against someone who is reliant on armors (most classes who are able to survive that much in LMS are armor reliant classes). dont point that reason out anymore, up to now you have used 3 reasons out of your "millions" and we have much more arguments to our casue so if you dont get any other argument then dont say anything else ok? Also something weird is that only 4 people up to now have said word against it and we have a hell lot of votes. Please say your opinions as well when you vote =/.
  15. Aluxe

    WS nerf

    1-Coma has a 0.01% chance no need to nerf 2-there was a poll to wether nerf or not gtb and the "not" won by one vote 3-Devilings were nerfed from 40% to 30% due to the fact that Neutral element becomes 0 (yes I was by the moments it was 40%) 4-Now the time for WS has come. -dont worry the price wont drop, why?: because the effect stacks so= 4ws= more chances -Yes you will still get your equipment broke eventually, but you will have enough time to fight back and its your choice wether you want to stay on range and get ws'd or back out and change strategy. Just like Kuyuti says dont close your mind and say the same shit over and over =/, this is not a "how to counter Ws" topic, its about giving reasons to why it should and why it shoulnt be nerfed.
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