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About Grave

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Wish Granted, but then I changed I wish the next person was GM.
  2. Grave


  3. Grave


    lol im not QQ, its quite fun when they keep running away. Using Yggs and Changing elements every time lol quite funnie but still really boring when they backslide. and yea i never use Basilica, but now that you guys say so..i might..and when i do i will be a very pain in the @$$
  4. Grave


    For reals dude..be a man/women fight, stop back sliding and changing elements, i dont even use yggs LOL and you keep backsliding and ygg'ing like crazy. I mean cmon ima a nubish priest! Backsliding very nubish, just saying i hate back sliders, but it dont matter i will chase you down! :excl: So stop Backsliding and Fight
  5. /sob i get ganged but only by champs. Sinxs tried to gang me..failed lol! Who cares if your ganged new people, get strong fight till you never want to fight anymore, if i ocunted, i probably died many many many many times but hey its fun once you kill them you will feel very proud.
  6. Grave

    New Belts?

    oo man PD Belt Gotta be in there too.
  7. Lol this is the best i mean for a toy keyboard. Well now ima get back to learning piano.
  8. Canon Rock - Jerry C :jerry: :jerry: :jerry:
  9. Grave


    Dude how many read/watch Ippo! Ippo is the bomb. My favorite Fighter is Sendo though. XD
  10. When people are trying to level up, there are also people trying to kill them doing that. I'm suggestion maybe make it so that you cannot atk or atk people till you past a certain level if it is possible, i mean i even try to hide in the most secret spot and yet people still come and kill thinking they are so good. So i am suggestion maybe make it so people cant kill or attack others until they reach a certain level
  11. Well i didnt want to post a suggestions so i am asking here, were there any sugg. on the new skills taht ragnarok the old one use to have, like the priest can summon help, sinxs can make a clone, and ninjas do thousands year of pain. and so on.
  12. It would be tight to have a new town or something new, a change. but yea if not then its ok. and about the organize part, when i get into fcity, it seems very sloppy, i would suggest that maybe make a way for it to be more...lets say look clean and very organized. Re-locate the npc's so everyone can see, and maybe remove chats out from the middle and say maybe allow them to do it on the sides. And a fix on the mall, i mean lol really the mall is like..bleh all just right there, maybe a cool looking mall will be more awesome and organized. Its kinda confusing but yea, i can code for the mall, i can make a new place for it and post the code and see if it works for you GM's. and can try and post up where the npc script could be at and see what our think about it. Just a suggestion ^^
  13. Grave

    Bully Beatdown

    LOL FUNNY AS HELL, you have got to watch it, its where bullies get beat down pretty much by MMA fighters. http://www.mtv.com/ontv/dyn/bully_beatdown/series.jhtml Watch all the episodes as well. Its like me in PvP, Me the MMA fighters vs Assassins = the bullies ^^
  14. lol Don't worry, I probably won't be as good as you thought...It takes too long to get those elite items so im pretty sure not gonna get them so i'll just fight you off with common items =P and hopefully at lease hit you once lol, this is my first time seeing people with prefect dodge build with coma.
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