It would be tight to have a new town or something new, a change. but yea if not then its ok.
and about the organize part, when i get into fcity, it seems very sloppy, i would suggest that maybe make a way for it to be more...lets say look clean and very organized. Re-locate the npc's so everyone can see, and maybe remove chats out from the middle and say maybe allow them to do it on the sides.
And a fix on the mall, i mean lol really the mall is like..bleh all just right there, maybe a cool looking mall will be more awesome and organized. Its kinda confusing but yea, i can code for the mall, i can make a new place for it and post the code and see if it works for you GM's. and can try and post up where the npc script could be at and see what our think about it. Just a suggestion ^^