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Everything posted by golden

  1. First off If my post is giving u a headache don't read it[if i want to use enter 1000 times that's my choice as long as I'm speaking English, which u can understand obviously because you commented O.o], Secondly i on the topic of 1h weapons i understand that those changes needed to be made but my focus was on gs being as overpowered as ws. Also don't just assume that i don't play champ because i do iv played champ for 3 or 4 years on fro[As well as the old ws when it was only CT] so I'm fully aware of the advantages and disadvantages of that class and iv killed smiths on my champ as well. Also the fact that people use tomohawk for everything, i do believe that they spent [tokens or money] for that. So if they chose to tomohawk all day i believe that's there right, how can u be mad at that like wth? if i have a thors hammer and i only ct your gonna get mad and say wow he doesn't even tomohawk ? I think that if they raise the damage on ct and lower tomohawk damage people are just going to complain again about how ws ct damage is overpower, that's the only reason I'm saying to leave it alone. Lastly I'm not selfish i just don't want to see this class go out like this after it was just becoming fun to play again.
  2. I'm glad you said that, its semi true but i disagree with the part about pneuma and rsx. Even though that seems like it cant be gotten around it can because i have done it and iv seen other people do it as well[People with real skill] Also the only people that tomohawk pallys are noobs because everyone know that pallys are weak to Ct not Tomohawk, Me personaly iv only Tomohawked a pally when i have dispelled them. I think ws is a good class in pvp[The way it is] But people are just scared of a good challenge so they rather not deal with it, Imo Gs is just as overpowered as ws.
  3. Even though ws may be a so called "overpowered class" when gs's came out wit 1h guns and snipers with 1h bows no one complained and imo they are also on the same rank as ws. I think its people's[Not new players] lack of skill to fight back or find a new way to pvp against them there looking for the easiest way out just get them nerf. I think this is unfair to the people that spent there money to get a thor's hammer with the effects that it has just for it to get changed because certain people don't want to pvp around it. I like ws the way it is now, I'm glad they added 2 new skills to help ws's fight back because in the old days of only ct slow speed/quamire owns them. Lastly there not invincible there ways around them just learn them.
  4. I agree with him this messes up my build completely even though its just 3 stats it was still very use full for my hp.
  5. golden

    Novice's Hats

    Yea i believe it should be as well, because even though its only about 40+ weight i believe it still messes up your total amount of ygg hold, IMO
  6. golden

    Tarot Card Coma

    Yea i agree that you should leave clowns tarot card alone. Because there is many ways to get around it, you just need to take time and get better at the class your playing aganist it. Also just because you cant beat a class does not mean its overpowered and needs to be reduced in anyway.
  7. Yea i mean sinper need this upgrade more then clown but if sniper can get it why not clown and :D or every bow user And i agree with yukumaru 1h bow plox :D
  8. golden


    Yea it is a good movie, plus there is nth like it out yet its one of a kind
  9. Seeing as everyone is talking about upgrades for 2hd weps idk if this was disscused but i wanted to know if clown bows could get redux. Even tho the class is good without bows and thats not there main wep but it would be good to be able to use them without getting destroyed like sniper thx plz anyone coment on this, if you agree :D or not D: .
  10. Wat up damn down sever fuck my plans up and shit

  11. Welcome Im Daniel my in game char is Sweettooth[clown] or Kushal[champ] Somdara why so mean >.<
  12. Even tho champs and sinx have the upper hand I dont think that there should have 0 upgrades for them seeing as the delay on champs were increased 2 where champs need 3kiels for a good spam and the same for sinx 4 kiels for sb spam, also you cant judge the class for being overpowered because its whos the one playing it that makes it good [i also agree with Nines]
  13. Wat a min rsx drops icepick[1]? i though it only droped non sloted ips and you had to [1] with the card sloted[which is not there anymore]
  14. Wow yea i heard that people where getting hacked but not like this my 2 friends got banned also and when they got back on there acc there eqps where gone. Wat is happening theres alot of un answered questions....
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