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Everything posted by Rune.

  1. waiting on the download to finish and I will be back online for the first time since april 09 :)

    1. Decode
    2. Veracity


      Welcome back! (:

    3. Rune


      So hey there and welcome back, person with great aste for names! :D

  2. I left this server about 3 years ago to move to Never Ending RO, an all PvP server. it has been about a year since I have even played RO, but I am coming back here. I figured a server where I already have an account would be best for me, so here I am. All of the other servers I have tried, save for this one and NERO, I have hated. So I came back. I don't remember any of my character names, but if you want to see me in game, let me know your character names and I will message you :)
  3. Rune.

    I'm Back

    so yeah... I left here to go to the server I was on before I cam here, and a few weeks ago that server completely crashed... then I tried another server, but it is 100% PvP based, and seeing as I am not the best at PvPing... yeah... so me and my friend (you will see him in game: Zera213) are on here... :thumbsup_anim:
  4. Rune.

    third classes

    Yeah, thats really balanced. Wizards already have low HP, lets give them more cast time and lowwer there attack, make them completely useless
  5. Rune.


    these guys really get on my nerves. Every time I go to try and work on maxing out my job lvl on one of my characters in lhz_dun03 there is always a Biochemist that kills me as soon as I show up. this gets really annoying when you are not there to fight a person, just to lvl up... damn acid bombs
  6. Rune.

    I can't decide!

    so pretty much the general consensus is champ lol... what card/equip do you use to make it where you can asura over and over? cause my ygg stash has been growin pretty slim thx to asura lol
  7. Rune.

    I can't decide!

    sinX get on my nerves alot of the time... I dunno why... and I have a Paladin, just not maxed out yet... Im also tryin to build a Ninja just to do it, but I just made him about 25 minutes ago, so Im only up to like lvl 76 there... where do you stand on those two, paladin and ninja?
  8. Rune.

    I can't decide!

    so I have a maxed out High Wiz, Stalker, and Gunslinger and an almost maxed out Champion. they are all geared decently, not absolutely the best, but decent, and I dont know which I should use for my main character. any input or advice?
  10. I finally hit Job lv. 255 and went to the place to try to be an elite. I am a high wizard, so he told me to go to the place were mages start there training. I presume that means Geffen, but I can't find the elder it says you are supposed to find. I would really like to do this so I can try to get the Elite armor myself (I am very self reliant in game and hate buying equips from other player except for like valk equips and stuff). So could someone helpe me out with some coordinates??
  11. yeah, GvG is pretty fun to, but when it is just you without any help, its more fun, such as in LMS and sometimes when Survival has PvP turned on
  12. I just guess related words lol I managed to get it once my favorites are Warp Portal (the one where the map with either fewer or more players die) and Survival
  13. As a lover of spell casting, I must say that I am praying for the Warlocks to come on in fRO eventually. Tetra Vortex * Max LV: 5 * Prerequisites: Hell Inferno LV 5, Jack Frost LV 5, Chain Lightning LV 5, Earth Strain LV 5 * Type: Damage / Debuff * Description: Summons ether in the 4 elements, to deal magic damage of each element. Tetra Vortex requires you to have summoned one Fire Ball, Water Ball, Ball Lightening, and Stone before casting or the skill will fail. Targets struck by Tetra Vortex will receive one status effect from Burning, Freezing, Stun, and Bleeding status ailments. Skill Level Effect SP Cost 1 4 Element Magic Damage 1000% * 4 hits / Random one status of Burning, Freezing, Stun and Bleeding 800 2 4 Element Magic Damage 1200% * 4 hits / Random one status of Burning, Freezing, Stun and Bleeding 860 3 4 Element Magic Damage 1400% * 4 hits / Random one status of Burning, Freezing, Stun and Bleeding 920 4 4 Element Magic Damage 1600% * 4 hits / Random one status of Burning, Freezing, Stun and Bleeding 980 5 4 Element Magic Damage 1800% * 4 hits / Random one status of Burning, Freezing, Stun and Bleeding 1040 ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ I seen this and almost jizzed my pants, this sucker is purely awesome in a handbag made of an awesomeness/leather blend!!!
  14. thanx!! =D
  15. I have all three other Morpheus Items, and I would like to complete the set until I can get the High Wizard Elite set myself. so where is the Morpheus shawl dropped??
  16. Breaking Inside- Shinedown (A.K.A. one of the greatest bands evaa!!!!) :thumbsup_anim:
  17. I already hae a level 174 Champion, but where would be the best place to level up from here on? odin perhaps? I know that is where everybody always leveled up on aeRO (which I dropped for fRO). and also where is the best place for drops that you can earn alot of money from the NPCs??
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