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About Enzyme

Enzyme's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. I've been looking at this server for about a week, considering playing here, but I'm not sure if this server is really for me. It seems to me that the server revolves around donation items entirely. I understand that anyone can get them, but usually the way you get them is an astronomically long quest, from what I can tell. Zeny seems basically worthless due to donation coupons being worth 30 mil each and there not being any really decent way to get money due to the drops on treasure boxes and gold being so low(nothing worth it considering 10 cents will get you 30 mil), and many of the custom cards make commonly used cards on other servers worthless. Seems like donation items are a HUGE shortcut and its either play for a long time and work for your donation items, or donate a weeks paycheck and become godly instantly. I'm not saying this server is unbalanced, the donation items are usuable by about every class, im just saying its like letting people buy accounts in WoW. The server is very stable, there have been tons of events from what i can see, and the rates are pretty much exactly what I was looking for. But I don't have money to donate, and I'm looking for a high rate, not intending to spend days on trying to get items other people got in 3 hours of work. About half of the people in Forsaken city have donation gear or some kind, as far as I can see, and who knows how many of the other half have mains with donation gear on, or just arent wearing the headgear. I guess my main question is, is it possible to compete in this server without donations? And is there some easier way to get donation items? I've seen the quests on the guides and they seem really long. To me this server seems like a high rate that plays like a low rate unless you donate. And some people will LOVE that, but thats just not what i'm personally looking for. Also, i've already seen a few ways to get 100% demi human reduction. Wouldn't that make you take like no damage from anything? How exactly is that calculated?
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