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Rock Skunk

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About Rock Skunk

  • Birthday 10/18/1982

Contact Methods

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Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    Ikari Gullwing
  • Ingame Character Names
    Alot of them o.o

Rock Skunk's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Discuss this "Dragon Fear", I mean, is it just a form of curse or what? :blink:
  2. So I'm cruising through the maps, killing things with my Inverse Scare (I think that's what it's called, it's the Holy Katar you get from the dragons in abyss_03), and suddenly I get this "Unknown-Skill !!" that does... something! ::blink:: Anybody got any ideas? :blink: :blink: :blink:
  3. omfg so someone took it upon themselves to make my request, so I'm HAPPIEZ GO HERE ForsakenRO Slangtionary NOW! DO IT! >:U
  4. How do you do a backward 'b'? :(

  5. YAY! Q_Q! Also, I can't wait to see the advanced ninja class. :x!!!!
  6. I know how you people are. With your lingos. Your slang. Your shortspeek. Now, having got that out of the way, I have an actual honest question, because I'm not sure if it's already been done, or what not. Is there a total newb's guide to communication for fRO? I mean, not communication like @command or hey here's how you IM someone, I mean the language used. I'll give you guys an example of what I mean. In broadcast, you will see people that can spit out some of the craziest lines of.. text, ever. Usually they go like this: S>MayaP[4] This means that the person is SELLING (the S) a Maya Purple card (MayaP) for 4 donation coupons. (the 4). Conversely, if someone starts the line off with B> or T>, that means they are BUYING or interested in TRADING the item listed. so... is there such a thing? :blink:
  7. I do appreciate it, thank you! :D
  8. Aaaah, I see. Thanks!
  9. The Rip Van Winkle from literature would be the correct call. As a side note, I don't recall there being a Rip Van Winkle in Hellsing. O.o
  10. I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm back on Ragnarok Online. I can't believe I'm on a private server. I can't believe I'm introducing myself on the forum. I can't believe HOW MUCH HAS CHANGED. So the last time I played Ragnarok Online, Bush was still in office (for the first time around), we still thought he was a damn good president, and the year was 2003. :blink: I can't believe how much has changed in this game. Just... wow. :ohmy: Anyways, anybody online knows me by Ikari. Except for the person who got me here. She knows me (and refuses to call me by anything other than) my old RO name from way back then. Arukaado, or as she affectionately refers to me as: Alu-chan / STUPIDGUY :biggrin: So if you happen to see me around, please say hi, and for the love of god help me out because I've got NO clue what I'm doing anymore in RO. XD
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