Wait a minute..the drop rate on this server is 0.01...? Thought it was like 10.00%....lol
Anyways, why are a MVPing? Go work for ya money by collection 1000-4000.blah cards and sell it if the drop rates are to hard for ya.
As for "normal" players, my "normal" sniper can kill an eddga + orc hero just fine and ive gotten 1 eddga card so far consdiering that ive only fought him 12 times(lucky?). Also, "normal" players can join parties and the party can fight the MVP. Not that hard to party right?
BTW, had a good chuckle with this.
ForsakenRO tells us "ur noob".
Hope tells us that next thana will drop the card.
Reality tells us it'll never drop.
Common sense tells us trying to MvP one is near impossible at that low drop rate.
Your mom tells us you should prolly go outside instead of hunting one.