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Soul Sorcerer

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Everything posted by Soul Sorcerer

  1. Got sick because they were tainted fish tacos ..
  2. I find her to be very normal looking when grown. :laugh: Uploaded with ImageShack.us She can laugh!!(29 secs) :laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GBWU6RjiLM
  3. Title says it all,leave your offer or pm me in forum on in-game. IGN: Soulkyoko or IGN: -Withe-
  4. Soul Sorcerer


    Any opinions? (Personally, if Dren could talk :blink: ...I'd be pretty scared of seeing that movie" Tryin to get a baby+grown pick of her,anyone help? it lives! :weird: teen version(perhaps)
  5. CARBON DIOXIDE!(not 100% hate, like half that +respect,lol) (for besting me in the nondonate pvp :crying_anim: )
  6. ill buy the rings IGN: Soulkyoko
  7. Title says it all, anyone mind giving the average costs of them?
  8. Takin offers for all, pm me or post here. Maya Card [2]Ghostrings Card Stormy KnightCard Deviling Card Mistress Card 3000 Andre Cards Full Valk Set(no helm) (oh and if anyone's interested, i'll trade it all + some dqs for a HP Set(with wep) IGN: Soulkyoko Ill be on for a hour after this post
  9. Was wondering how much the high priest full set(with wep and shield) costs. Like ###dqs-### dqs
  10. Ill buy 1k Aloe leaflets, IGN Soulkyoko
  11. I'll buy 1k of those caramel cards for 5dqs IGN: Soulkyoko
  12. S> 24ygg tix for 8dqs Sinx Set /no shield(offer) Clown Set/no wep+shield(offer) Buy em together for 40 dqs or trade me a full Hp Set for em. IGN: Soulkyoko
  13. Ill buy the choco mp for 4dqs.
  14. Title says it all, just pm me in-game or forums with your offer. (Also im selling some clown armor/cloak/shoes if anyones interested) IGN: Soulkyoko
  15. 3 Event Qpons for Dragon Aura
  16. Blood+ Trinity Blood Claymore Air Gear
  17. Got it
  18. Got It. :biggrin:
  19. You can also farm those lucious fire armor things from foxes, not bad $$$. =]
  20. Wait a minute..the drop rate on this server is 0.01...? Thought it was like 10.00%....lol Anyways, why are a MVPing? Go work for ya money by collection 1000-4000.blah cards and sell it if the drop rates are to hard for ya. As for "normal" players, my "normal" sniper can kill an eddga + orc hero just fine and ive gotten 1 eddga card so far consdiering that ive only fought him 12 times(lucky?). Also, "normal" players can join parties and the party can fight the MVP. Not that hard to party right? BTW, had a good chuckle with this. ForsakenRO tells us "ur noob". Hope tells us that next thana will drop the card. Reality tells us it'll never drop. Common sense tells us trying to MvP one is near impossible at that low drop rate. Your mom tells us you should prolly go outside instead of hunting one.
  21. Its never to late to drop in and say hello. :biggrin:
  22. Title says it all, just post your offer + IGN and I'll get back to ya somehow. IGN:Soulkyoko IGN:-Shigure-
  23. Title says it all POST YOUR OFFER ON FORUM and I'll log in later so we can meet
  24. NVm, forget about it
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