HW Bless = +35int, +20%MATK, +15% Cold Bolt, +10%HP, +10%SP HW Cursed = +20int, +20vit, +10%HP, +20%SP, +20%MATK, +30% SG, +500% LOV HW Guardian  = +20int, +20vit, +10%HP,  +25%SP, +20%MATK, +50%napalm   i own a HW Guardian, and my friend own a HW Cursed, so we did a bit of testing here and there, sadly i know no one that has HW Bless... So, we tested the different on HW Cursed, LOV With Cursed Ring = 11k, +MB=55k dmg each hit...and without Cursed Ring, it only hit 3k wi