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Everything posted by suka

  1. suka

    Kasa Cards

    Anyone selling them rn? its so hard to get by
  2. suka

    Chivalry Emblem

    thanks! finally a forsaken knight but now im having a really hard time farming for kasa cards omg been farming for a day and all ive gotten is 15 pcs of it
  3. Eloe!! Also new here,,, wanna join our guild? haven't played for years and jus came back yesterday. building a new guild w new friends would be fun!!! IGN: suKa.23
  4. Eloe! We're new here, just yesterday. Haven't played in years. Would be cool to meet new friends! I'm making a DC server if anyone wants to join in. Seriously jus two gay bichies who game all day,,, drop @ na lang!!! <333
  5. suka

    Chivalry Emblem

    Anyone selling or trading chiv em? i just joined yesterday and have no guilds nor friends whatsoever jsdfksjdf eloe,,,
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