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About patflowers

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    Forsaken City, Dicastes
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  • Ingame Character Names
    Prof. Kuting
  • Guild
    Warsong, Azeroth

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  1. Hi GMs, I just came back and completed the new patch but when I started opening fRO app, it says dinput.dll detected. I deleted it and was able to access the game (on window mode) but there was no mouse pointer... I checked with ratemyserver.net and downloaded the mouse freedom which happens to be a basic tool in RO, extracted it to my fRO Main folder but it has the same exact file of what i deleted and still cant access. What should I do? Please help me... Meow! Your usual assistance is very much appreciated. PatF
  2. Since no one replied on my comment (lol) esp the one complaining this, i would just like to agree more of what Ray Ray just said as to what I initially did. Separate event or like LMS would be fine and still, imagine that it will be dominated by Ninjas or other OP chars. Come to think of it, it will still end in a gang to elimante certain players before they decide who to get the prize. It may not be a party like thing but can you imagine a ninja on lutie, champ provoked to lvl 10 or Wiz/Prof got mind break wiping players. Does anyone even get my point? It will still be like the set up now but will be easier at some extent...
  3. Dont we find it funny that after all these years, this suddenly pops up... I can only see two things: Either the complainant's party/guild cant keep up with the new bigger guilds or someone feeding for the benefit of a certain guild got banned. This setup has been like standard for most servers for years... its either they make a new event for a NO party pvp or just keep crying... Wait for your turn, nothings permanent, we all have our time. Peace out! Meow!
  4. above all comments, I like the drama of this one... give em tissue please. Dont worry mate they will fix it..
  5. Ninja is invincible in pvp except having Whitesmith around... Haha! Keep your distance... Use 2 Tao Gunka sometimes as switch for better damage output. Great guide! Meow
  6. Cool updates! I cant wait to get hold of the new weps... I think legendary weapons for these should also be considered. Geez! Overall, Good job fRO! Meow!
  7. Cocky Sky! Haha! Where is my credits... kiddin! Sir Ray Ray's point was so good! It's just a matter of switch and it saves you in everything esp in WOE entrances and last minutes where crazy peeps spams hard... Also, the attack speed is not just for stave but also helps in spamming bolts and you could like merge (on deluge) cold bolt and waterball that is why she is using siroma. Meow signature! Lol Anyway, good job on sharing, Sky! Peace!
  8. 4.4 for Clown BSet(2 bragis, 5.7)... Sorry im not selling rush and Clown set is just really hard to find thse days...
  9. S>red ROP l blk SW l No trades. Offer and place IGN please... B>Wiz B Ring
  10. patflowers

    B>wiz B Ring

    Place your price and ign... Thanks!
  11. Those who abuse broadcasting should be Asura-ed to death in the city.

  12. Close this already cause I bought one. Thanks!
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