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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by krefeld

  1. How sad. vote items are really helpful to have a good items. make it 6 pts every 12hrs.
  2. S>Friggs 1250 pure | fix

  3. krefeld

    Open For Trade

    S>friggs 1250 | Red Rop 1.4k T>my Sinx Blessed Ring = Sinx Blessed Jacket pure | fix
  4. welcome to ForsakenRO! try to check in the market doppel card. im sure there is someone who sells it. see you in game! :)
  5. Good luck! :)
  6. Everytime I close my eyes I thank the lord that I've got you :D

  7. krefeld


    Hi! welcome to ForsakenRO! enjoy your staying. see you in game :)
  8. Welcome to ForsakenRO The Mercer! if need someone to chat, come at out base @go 3 (payon). see you in-game and enjoy your staying! :)
  9. chykiejann, if you need a help you are welcome to join in our guild. just go to payon (@go 3). see me there if you have any question/s.
  10. thats nice!
  11. Hi! welcome to ForsakenRo! if you dont have a guild, you can join to our guild Hex. just see me at @go 3 :) see you in game and hope you enjoy your stay!
  12. yea, atm its already okie.. last week of august, we cant enter bcos there's a party inside the tower. we try again after 4hrs but the tower is still closed.
  13. GM, could you please check the endless tower? its not open for 2days already.. Thank you in advance!
  14. you have a point. some cards are becoming cheap but some of them are so hard to find like GTB, gloom, LOD (for raids) and also Valkyrie Randgris.
  15. Why is it that the mvp room 1, 3, and 4 are not working? only the mvp 2 and 5 are working, thats why some cards are so expensive. :th_hmm:
  16. `sorry :th_heh: hihihi!
  17. i'm sorry guys. our GL is not around but if u're on try to go in our base at go 3 (payon). i'll see u there :)
  18. B>SinX O.Crit Sword pm me here..

  19. S>Kitty Claws [380 fix] pure toks.. just pm me if u're interested..

  20. OMG! endless tower is really tough. it takes time also if u dont have snipers, mastersmith, bio and priest! but anyway, we did it guys.. signing off HEX GUILD :))

    1. ChainBreak


      ET is hard? I remember my guild doing it sub 45 mins.

    2. Specter


      It's tough if you are ungeared, It's good to see new players are having fun :)

    3. Aerofox


      If you need a sniper for the Endless Tower, feel free to message me here in the forums. :D

  21. GM, if i want to make STR Rune i will go to Siegfried?
  22. if i finish this quest, is it two rings will be given to me? or only one.
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