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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Kazi

  1. Giants just threw a interception......They lost.
  2. Kazi

    God of War

    Rofl cute. More rates please.
  3. Kazi

    God of War

    Ight I haven't made a sig in awhile so call this my first sig. Be nice /bawi
  4. Kazi

    I be back.

    Well I'm back and lookin' to woe with Good soup again. Some of you know me as Kazimoto or Da Alamo. Anyway its good to be back. FO SHIZZLE!
  5. Save me the Dragon Aura. Ill be happy to give you tickets.
  6. Kazi


    Man I didnt even know diet and shu left. Wow anyway bye.
  7. Kazi


    Well Ro is cheap and being cheap helps you win. I would have done the same thing he did if it meant a win.
  8. How come Im not on there? I beat almost everyone on there cept a few. I shouldnt even be concerned bout this since you got "Lol Nightcrawler", "Penus", "wtfDraxgay", and 2 of Pats chars up there. Ps-They fail at champs. gg
  9. Kazi

    Best in Class

    Its called "Occult" Drax use it
  10. Yes cait is coming to playz. Lets make leet stalkers cait.
  11. Kazi


    No Terminus is a Roman God and also the Marvel Character that kicks ass and known as The Destoryer of Worlds thus he hax.
  12. Kazi

    hello everyone

    You should be banned from pvp cause your too sexy for it.
  13. Kazi

    Best in Class

    I will once I make a pally.
  14. Kazi

    Best in Class

    I bet you a dolla that I can own you at any class you wanna go at.
  15. Kazi

    Best in Class

    Dood Irre is the best LK period
  16. Kazi

    Best in Class

    Hmm Ill have a go at this Stalker-I really dont know atm. Erm Kindom is pretty decent. Sinx-Terminus cause his WS card owns me. I would consider myself since I havent been beaten by any other sinx cept Terminus but that would just be wrong wouldnt it? High Wiz-Was Kink but he went emo. Champion-Erm Oblivion? Well hes the only decent champ ive seen so far. Prof-Ami ftw Gypsy-Ami cause he killed me usin a WS card (God I hate WS cards) Whitesmith-lollikeiknow Lord Knight- Of course its Irre I shouldnt even have to say it. Paladin- Meh Dama even tho he smells. The rest are gay and not worth mentioning.
  17. Kazi

    MvP Cards

    All=vit belt?

  19. Why I gotta be a fag man? I thought yopu luv meh? D:
  20. Kazi


    Dont edit my sentence homo :D
  21. CAIT GTFO!!!!! ilu ps. Its virg btw
  22. EVEN THO Ami kills me with that gay WS card Ima still vote for her cause ilu.
  23. Kazi


    I was permanently banned yesterday for being to sexy. (Gen got jealous eh?) Anyway WELCOME TO FKRO WHERE YOU CAN FK 24/7.
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