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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ochibi

  1. Too oldschool 2008 welcome back ! :D
  2. Wkwkwwkwkw +555
  3. Super! - Romantic Comedy 50/50 - Romantic Comedy Fifty Shades of Gray -You know what h3h3 Paul - Comedy Sci-fi
  5. fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk
  6. Fuck da police I already won here D:<
  7. Hi there welcom to fRO ;D . So many cute headgears here haha . Hope you enjoy here xD
  8. I think smoke too much weed .
  9. fvck da polish ~
  10. Kentucky Wildcats Noooooo D: !

    1. Sir Ikki

      Sir Ikki

      Yes! Died undefeated!!

      #GoDuke #GoCoachK

    2. Ochibi


      NOOOOOOOOO T______T !

    3. Sir Ikki

      Sir Ikki

      Yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!! (:

  11. hi i like rap music tell me if you like that too
  12. Veteran Spotted :o ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. Dota 2 Forsaken RO and I'm planning to play Dragon Nest hehe
  14. Ochibi

    One Word Story

  15. Wah update cool !
  16. Fck da police y'all niggas are cute
  17. Hey there welcome !
  18. Extended + winnnnnn huwhueheuw
  19. Came here to be cute for a minute
  20. Angel Chaos?
  21. Ochibi


    Wizard for faming , champ for MVP and hi many guides in here feel free to ask and explore yay lol . Welcome
  22. Same as thaana build replace thana?
  23. Rtf ooo oldschool Cool tho :)
  24. Hey welcome
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