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Forsaken Nobel
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Status Replies posted by plok123

  1. I can probably start playing again ;) Especially to WOE ;D! Wheres my rayray ._.

    1. plok123


      uh oh, young bloods better brace yourselves xD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. im 21! happy bday to me :3 thank you haters and lovers xD

  3. After quitting RO 4+ years ago, decided to come back and play a different server, was never a forum person but decided I need some kind of change in my life, like trying to get to know a different community, the people I hang out with everyday are great people except it'd be nice for a different crowd. A fairly new player who's looking for a friendly guild and to get advice/help. Thank you for taking the time to read this. IGN JustAChamp

  4. More Hater's More Fame....too many accusers here in scam.... /e5 im not scammer i never scam...

  5. Uh oh, looks like Ragnarok is finally happening. Hope the storyline prepared you all. ;)

  6. ok...uhmm stupid question here. how does one acquire an fKing set besides voting? o.O

    1. plok123


      or buying them in the king room using tokens, they're 100toks each part

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. yeys ^^ welcome to me to jenova proj. ^^

  8. I got my facts from my friends, whose names were used. So I can tell what kind of person you are. I dont need to file a ticket as well. I just wanted everyone to be alert. ktnxbye. *working*

  9. nagawa q din haha ^^ yeys gudday guys

  10. I got my facts from my friends, whose names were used. So I can tell what kind of person you are. I dont need to file a ticket as well. I just wanted everyone to be alert. ktnxbye. *working*

  11. If you can cook me food, I'll love you forever :P

  12. .k fRO...time for me to inactive...iunno when.i will back active so..to all my friends.enjoy the games..hehe.Luv u guys...

  13. .k fRO...time for me to inactive...iunno when.i will back active so..to all my friends.enjoy the games..hehe.Luv u guys...

  14. Happy Valentines! :) (FREE HUGS)

  15. Excited for this next update! :) Going to have some awesome new quests for everyone. <3 Don't forget to review us while you're waiting! http://tinyurl.com/forsakenreview

  16. Does the Link Hat from Event Tokens look like hat from legend of zelda??

  17. Nice to meet you adam-

  18. Hao 2 help newbies?

  19. It's My Birthday!

  20. Inside every older person is a younger person wonder ing what the hell happend...

  21. Your my greatest game!! fRO<3..

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