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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by plok123

  1. well, i just WOE'd with ava and won 2.0 :P so yeah, I am working on being active again :D
  2. we won 2.0 lol
  3. I miss y'all </3 especially ma :(
  4. Lol XD im trying my best to be active again XD but work and stuff is making me want to sleep during woe XD
  5. This was suggested before, and it was declined. Coz ypur comparison isnt even good enough.. -1 why? Sb sinx deal massive damage, can kill easy and escape easy, compared to a sniper, In this kind of server, withouth a shield the sniper would die instantly compared to an Sb sinx, they can backslide, and cloak.. Snipers can cloak too, but cant escape as quick.. If I were you, i'd polish my backsliding skills with bingbing and such, it's supposed to be that way, end of..
  6. I still have hopes for the emperium breaking room to be implemented someday xD

    1. Aerofox


      How does breaking an Emp feel like? :o I wanna try to break one, but I'm not on a WoE guild ._.

    2. plok123


      it's the last break that matters anyways :P

  7. you guys back? :D
  8. No more intelligent arguments in the forums -_-
  9. I think this guide still applies to the server now, I havent done any changesbto it yet as there are not that much changes in the server on breaking, feel free to use it as a basis, and then work slowly to your own build.. :) have fun breaking :D
  10. I wonder if you read other guides in the server XD try comparing it to yours, I applaud you for your effort though :P the rest, you need to do more research :)
  11. so what's going on with the server now? :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. henry4563


      Im the second half.

    3. elykarmic


      i still love my lk and use it on asian woe :)

    4. plok123


      i just pop in from time to time :) i don't the woe in this server that fun anymore as it used to be :)

  12. lol, thought this thread was hated on xD haha but niiice XD
  13. plok123

    One Word Story

    (The summary is sooo funny! hahaha!) infested
  14. Again? :P well, i dont really have a top 5.. about thana users, they do the same stuff basically, so it's down to luck.. but the crit ones that ouplay the thana breakers from time to time are great.. In my own opinion, the best crit breaker is Doflamingo, i remember when he just had L.weapons, still breaking like crazy going against fully geared thana breakers.. so kudos to him :)
  15. That no macros allowed update is so delicious :3

  16. plok123

    Six-word Novel

    Hey, i just met you, MEH
  17. Magic the Gathering :3 Welcome to the server!
  18. ok, the thanatos room has been implemented for a reason, it was due to kill stealing in the tower. it was worse back then compared to now, i love the thanatos room.. it's fine as it is, dont need to change, you just need to plan better, outsmart other players.. coz that's what they're doing to you.. and Speed of course
  19. Oh you guys have noooo idea how much cheating goes on in this server ;) like they'd say, 'mouse or keyboard macros' stuff like that, like c'mon.. :P im no whistle blower though :3
  20. there's like a lot of threads here?
  21. nudes? :3
  22. not this again -_-
  23. I'll trade nudes for nudes :3 hahahahah
  24. not recruiting? :( haha xD wash happens? :P
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